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[–] muntedcrocodile -2 points 10 months ago

Its a peer reviewed article and if u want to read the paper our friends over at [email protected] can give u general advice on how to do such a thing.

I though we where talking about animal life here not thermodynamics grass doesnt get sprayed with nerve agents to feed the cows.

[–] muntedcrocodile 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

What about those poor bacteria living in our assholes in a windowless gut caked in filth unable to stand is because co-evolution with humans your welcome shit eating bacteria.

[–] muntedcrocodile 0 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Ahh so ur solution to a very real problem is time travel.

How in the hell can a point based on time travel stand in a discussion about history?

[–] muntedcrocodile 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

They went for a significant push to try get behind the lines it didnt work cos funding was delayed and they didnt have the reasources earlyer (at that point they where still missing many of the resources they have now). They switched tacktics after that point its called adaptation tends to be needed in war its russias akillies heel. Then with the new stratedgy they where making significant ground on the offensive far greater than what russia has been latly ukrain also managed this with a truly impressive kd ratio.

I know im not wrong ive looked at the map ive plotted respurces on a graph russias resources have a y intercept as long as ukraine is being funded they do not thus they can sustain the war for longer.

You my friend are clearly a russian shill even if ukraine is gonna lose its still a more efficient way to fight them than doing it ourselves they will fuck with nato that will cost the western world deerly instead we give ukraine old shit they fight for us and save shitonnes of money since that must be all u care about cos human life clearly doesnt matter to u.

[–] muntedcrocodile 1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Interesting way to say despite me being a cunt im right.

[–] muntedcrocodile 1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

I read the report then went and spoke to my engineering proffessor for nuclear engineering and confirmed that csiro where being dickheads. Why not include it anyways and still give that disclaimer and let the people judge still seems misleading to totally leave it out.

[–] muntedcrocodile 1 points 10 months ago

I dont got one but most wars have been religiouse in nature but ur right ww1/2 might skew that a little simply due to larger populations being sacrified. But then again there has been thousands of years of religiouse wars throughout history someone shoudl do the analysis i recon it would be close.

[–] muntedcrocodile 1 points 10 months ago (5 children)

THEY FUCKING MISSED AN ENTIRE CLASS OF NUCLEAR REACTOR. They had one fucking job compare all the power options and they ignored any reactor that was not a small scallable bullshit silicon valley hyptrain piece of shit. This "unbiassed" report funded with million of dollars just happened to accidentally forget the cheapest and most economically efficient reactor design this is heigly sus and very much looks like it is purposefully misleading. I thought the CSIRO was unbiassed but this is an aggressiouse error that canot be overlooked.

[–] muntedcrocodile 1 points 10 months ago (10 children)

ok so heres the timeline for all representative bodies:

1973: The National Aboriginal Consultative Committee (NACC) was established by the Whitlam Government (Labor Party) as the first national body elected by Aboriginal people. Its main role was advisory only.

1977: The NACC was abolished by the Fraser Government (Liberal-National Coalition) after a review found it ineffective. It was replaced by the National Aboriginal Conference (NAC), which was supposed to be a representative body for Indigenous people to advise the government on policy matters and to promote self-determination.

1985: The NAC was dissolved by the Hawke Government (Labor Party), which established the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) in 1989 as a new representative body2. ATSIC had both representative and administrative functions, and was composed of elected regional councils and a national board of commissioners.

2005: ATSIC was abolished by the Howard Government (Liberal-National Coalition) after allegations of corruption, mismanagement, and lack of accountability. It was replaced by a network of government-appointed advisory bodies, such as the National Indigenous Council and the Ministerial Taskforce on Indigenous Affairs.

2010: The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples (NCAFP) was established as an independent and representative body for Indigenous people, with funding support from the Rudd Government (Labor Party). The NCAFP aimed to be a national voice for Indigenous rights, interests, and aspirations.

2019: The NCAFP ceased operations due to lack of funding from the Morrison Government (Liberal-National Coalition). The government instead supported the development of a new representative body, called the Indigenous Voice, which would provide advice to parliament and government on matters affecting Indigenous people.

2019: The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) is a government agency responsible for Indigenous affairs. created following an announcement by Prime Minister Scott Morrison (Liberal-National Coalition). This is currently the only governmental active representative body Since the voice was never implemented.

2023: A referendum on whether to enshrine the Indigenous Voice in the constitution was held on October 14, 2023. This referendum was rejected but does not necessarily mean it cannot still be enshrined in legislation (which I and I think many other people are in full support of).

Seems that both parties have continuosly created and destroyed said represntative bodies since their inception 1973. None of these bodies had any protection from being closed down for whatever reason but all where replaced with something else reletivly quickly indicating that said need for constitutional enshrinement was and is complete bullshit.

Im gonna go listen to these speakers then listen to the people who dislike them the most and then form my own opinion about whatever the hell they gonna say.

[–] muntedcrocodile -3 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Those billions of chickens wouldnt exist if it wasnt for humans WE ARE their evolutinary niche we are the very reason they exist. And well we aint making chickens extinct are we.

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