I can’t properly put into words how useless this appears to be. I run git from the command line so maybe others do it in a way where a dedicated button is more useful? I can’t fathom that.
Oh yeah? I’ve definitely noticed how slow GR is. Maybe I’m more willing to cut the little guy some slack on that front. I don’t use the paid tier since none of the features appeal to me. Though I have been thinking of getting it just to support them.
I’ve been using this for maybe two months? I like it better than GR. The only thing I wish it had were my notes/highlights from my kindle reading. Even without that it’s a much better experience than GR.
I love Megyn Kelly’s all caps vitriol beside the admission that she barely cares about football. What a life. The smoke signal goes up and you jump online to shit-stir—transparently so.
Yup. Plenty of us sure do! It stems from bogus autism research by Andrew Wakefield like 20 years ago. There are a myriad of reasons for people to buy into it. We’ve even enabled them with religious exemptions at the state level (i.e. it’s against your religion to vaccinate).
Louisiana has even stopped promoting them, https://abcnews.go.com/Health/louisiana-health-department-stop-promoting-mass-vaccination/story?id=118819674
And we have a particularly nasty outbreak right now in one of our states because of vaccine avoidance, https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cq8yvg5359po
That’s the kindle app. At least that’s what it looks like on my iPad.
You “forbid her from doing that”. You don’t infringe on someone’s agency so fully unless it could lead to direct harm; running with a shirt on doesn’t count. You should reflect on what made you take such a stance—maybe get a therapist yourself.
Yeah. You’re the bad guy. To put it lightly.
My god, just let things alone.
“Attempting to summons me but I’m alive not dead” made my morning—hilarious. On the flipside, actually dealing with these so willfully obtuse people must be maddening.
I’m about done with Character Limit, it’s about Musk’s takeover of Twitter. It’s super fascinating, an absolute page-turner. If that whole shitshow remotely piques your interest I’d recommend it.
I torrent a lot, even Ted Lasso, but Apple TV is the only service I pay for. Their content is consistently good imo—worth the spend.
And Severance is pretty damn good. Check out Foundation if you’re into sci-fi, too.
Well, plastic’s already in our brains and testicles so we might as well get whimsical with it at this point.