Aber warum?
Not particularly. The exploit requires ring 0 access, if an attacker managed to get that, you are screwed already.
Screw the mozilla foundation. My only hope at this point is that Ladybird or one of the other projects produces something viable one of these days.
Yeah, realistically I think the best outcome would be an entirely new character.
Marcellus Wallace michmichs
Frankly that’s about the only plausible customer base I could see for that.
Yup, Arch is by far the distro I have had the fewest amounts of technical issues with. Yes, you need to know what you are doing or be willing to read docs, but there’s no magical bullshit, maintainer capriciousness and lack of planning happening like I have unfortunately witnessed all too often while using other distros.
An article based on a rumor someone else heard.
Dieser Zwiebelrüdiger…
War ja klar das selbst das Nachleben vor meinem Kaff Glasfaser bekommt.
“More performant” citation needed. Very well written Rust might be extremely fast, yes, but Rust is also a hard language to get right. Swift is far from a slow language and I would not be surprised if the average rust programmer barely if at all manages to beat out the average swift programmer in terms of speed. As for the amount of programmers interested, hard to tell, but given the sheer amount of Swift devs I’d not be surprised if there were quite a few interested ones and I am unconvinced Rust programmers are statistically more likely to be interested in Browser development.