
joined 1 year ago
[–] money_loo 5 points 5 months ago

I feel like it’s becoming increasingly likely because he’s winning more places than his opponents, so they are just sorta pointing that out…

[–] money_loo 7 points 5 months ago

Yeah I’m confused, my SteamDeck seems to do fine at 720-900p depending on what I’m playing, but any higher resolution and it’s going to tank pretty hard.

[–] money_loo 1 points 5 months ago

Thankfully I’m not contractually obligated to a year of Netflix so I can simply stop paying for it if it ever becomes too much for me personally.

[–] money_loo 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Well guess I’ll be avoiding this one!

I’m too old to be getting addicted like that anymore lmao.

[–] money_loo 1 points 5 months ago (3 children)

I don’t watch wrestling anymore but I’m all for anything that helps kill cable faster. Godspeed, Netflix.

[–] money_loo 17 points 5 months ago (6 children)

“Well that can’t be right because it’s made more money in 25 years than the entire house of mouse did in like 100” -Some Executive numbers guy, probably.

[–] money_loo 18 points 5 months ago (4 children)

So we’re literally biological computers and sleep is just a daily restart for stability purposes?

How mundane but useful.

[–] money_loo 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I’m specifically referencing all the fear mongers who think the AI is some evil threat and are still against its usage even under such a fair and restrictive contract.

This is really the best of both worlds for all parties, and as far as I could tell, the only people that might suffer are the consumers if the quality of the AI isn’t very good, but everybody else is still getting paid the same and more.

If you’re upset about that just because of the letters, AI then yeah you deserve to lose your job.

[–] money_loo 1 points 5 months ago


I have no idea how you got there from me noticing the pertinent points of the contract, but if it matters I think all that loot box shit should be regulated or maybe even made illegal.

[–] money_loo -2 points 5 months ago (6 children)

The agreement has two parts--a development contract that governs the recording and creation of an AI voice (called a "digital replica" in the contract), and a contract that covers licensing and use of said digital replicas to develop a game.

In terms of compensation, voice actors will be paid a standard union fee for the initial recording session to create a digital replica, and further compensation if they wish to allow Replica Studio to continue to use the replica after a certain timeframe. Actors can also negotiate compensation for a replica to be created from previously recorded material, with the minimum payment equal to a standard recording session--this also covers deceased performers, if an agreement can be reached with their estate.

Actors can then license their digital replica to be used in games, with payment calculated per every 300 lines of dialogue or 3,000 words (with "words" also including other sounds such as monster noises.) Studios can also pay actors to get access to their digital replica for pre-production--for instance, using the AI voice for placeholder dialogue. If any of the replica's dialogue is used in a publicly released version of the game, the actor is entitled to further compensation.

They’re going to literally be getting more money for letting a computer talk for them only in the places and ways they allow them to, yet some people are STILL angry just hearing the letters AI and that’s good enough for them.

Jesus Christ, at this point they deserve to lose their work.

[–] money_loo 55 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Don’t forget the one idiot Christian nurse who simultaneously held this woman’s hand in the hospital and then reported her to the police because it’s against her beliefs.

[–] money_loo 17 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Doesn’t it say “Wounds were altered”?

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