They'll be available after COSMIC releases.
I don't think anyone has done this yet.
You can either return cosmic::Element<Message>
, impl Into<cosmic::Element<Message>>
, or cosmic::widget::Button<Message>
with your functions.
Every widget can .into()
or .apply(Element::from)
into a cosmic::Element
I'd recommend using the Grid widget so that your buttons can scale with the window.
This may be fixed now, but at the same time, I'd wait a day before updating cosmic-comp because xwayland's currently broken while we need to update xwayland to the latest version for explicit sync support.
That's very strange. Did you update today?
What report are you referring to?
The design is finished for Alpha 1, but there is likely to be future design work once designs are revisited for alpha 2 or the beta.
What GPU configuration do you have? I don't have any of these issues. If NVIDIA, you have to wait for NVIDIA to release explicit sync Wayland drivers.
I've seen plenty of people using GTK themes with rectangular switches.
It is required to install system updates before using the alpha.