Nah, he has been negotiating with Trump and Harris to see if he could get a cabinet seat. Trump probably said yes and RFK is going to bow out of the election and endorse Trump.
God forbid the people get an actual say in policies that affect them directly. Couldn't have that now in a Republican controlled area. People might realize Republican policies are trash.
Good Lord. That trailer really does tell the whole story.
Just to pedantic, this is only true in the movies. Not the book.
Robinson aka the square head is by far the superior choice.
Ha. Just got it. "type A"
Facts have no standing in this area of discussion.
Protest votes should only be cast in a primary. I live in California and it is obviously going for Biden but I will still bit for Biden as I do not want to assume anything for such an important election.
I would not want to send any NGO into a country run by the Taliban.
The smartest of the Russian soldiers.
Hello Mr. Smithers, you are quite good at turning me on.
The account belonged to a medical certifier who worked for a local hospital but had left the job in 2021. Then the hacker accessed the account on January 20, 2023. That's some quality security controls. Stale accounts over a year old still can log in.