Should bring a bunch of new levels just like the half-life workshop.
One of the best original VR shooters, should be good with the studio's track record.
Yeah, I'm fine with micro transactions if your game is free to play, but not on a $35 game.
Initial reviews don't seem great for any of them,.. May wait for some patches to see if things improve.
It's ridiculous they haven't updated the YouTube app to support over 4k. 360 looks like garbage at that resolution.
I'd love to watch with friends features of 360 and 180 videos, flat screen I just use bigscreen VR.
Oculus TV is the best way to do this now but it's a more limited selection. I believe skybox is working on co- watching.
Can I export as a model in unity?
Yeah I'll pin it
I think this site is a better solution, randomizes links for everyone:
This is exciting, large location games like space pirate arena should work much better:
Yup solo dev. I'm about 6 hours in, love the mix of gameplay and humor.