Yup just picked up a whole PC with rtx3090 for $800.
Just briefly.. The AI was buggy and not quite working so I only did drills. Didn't grab me like when I first played racquet nx, but we'll see.
Lots of great games recently, need more time.
This game is so good, 3/4 done, it has such an amazing variety of environments and weapons.
Yeah upside down's play mechanic was too different.. I remember seeing they were going to make a part 2, but maybe that was a joke considering the complaints.
I was trying to hold out and wait for Index 2, but Valve takes forever. I'm very impressed with Quest 3, though there are few features I would like to see in an index 2. Eye tracking, lower latency wireless, and keeping the ear speakers.
Uboat should be out this year. Rooms is reality just went final and it's a great co op escape room.
Hmm. I wonder how this will affect the meta-dog site. I guess if you get a 10% you can just request another.
Yeah eBay Canada, was a great deal