Of all the things wrong with the ad why would you imagine speaking in tongues is anything but literal mental illness.
All the things conservatives hate are non partisan services to humanity whereas the things you named are blights upon our nation.
VOLTE is a hard requirement. Continuing to support them would require entire installations all over the country to be repaired, maintained, and installed in support of hardware that was mostly 7-12 years old long past expected lifespan. It's like the opposite of the Windows 11 thing.
There are a few fundamental differences here.
One: the existing hardware isn't lacking anything functional that the user requires. While it may be more secure implemented with TPM 2.0 its far from a hard requirement. After all bitlocker works on 10. The fact that you can presently work around it suggests the limitation is imposed from on high not a hardware requirement.
Two: The hardware isn't all that old. General duty cycle on a phone is around 3 years, about 6 years on a PC. Apple has dropped support for 6 year old phones and 10 year old PC. Especially because intel continues to manufacturer a given CPU long after launch and OEMs continue to integrate them people are going to find machines that they bought new off the shelf within the last 3 years unsupported which unlike a 10 year old Mac feels like a rug pull.
wine harder we like it
If they ever get compromised all their customers will have a fun time. I wonder if their is a bail out plan.
Target is so bad at everything that their continued existence anywhere is the thing that requires a conspiracy theory to explain
Fridges with computers in them but we someone missed the boat on pervasive RFID in food containers and maintaining in stock of my shit. It should be able to tell my milk is 1/4 full and 2 days from expiration and add it to an order that shows up when my calendar says I'll be home but no what do we get? Something with 1/2 the lifespan which can play youtube videos and show you how much beer you have from the couch from its webcam.
Why even bother.
They actually do use software to find deniable claims that would theoretically have to be reviewed by a doctor. The doctor pulls up a while page of to be denied claims and theoretically gives them the legally required review all at once in the 30 seconds before he hits the button. There is no reason NOT to feed propensity to accept fake denial into the equation. You could even white wash it by presuming that prior denials that stuck were indication of bad claims and assert you are measuring their proclivity for filing wasteful claims.
At worst its harm at best its experimenting on your own animals. If you are a vegan looking for animal companionship I think that rabbits make more sense. These guys live 8-14 years and people do litter train rabbits.
https://whyrabbits.com/rabbit-breeds/mini-lop/ https://bunnylady.com/litter-train-your-rabbit/
If you already have a cat I recommend feeding it a diet that is widely recommended by veterinary science or recommended by your vet.
This is not a minor correction at all. I understand its hard to get people to replicate or be interested in this without a commercial interest but independent verification is how science gets done.
Also when something is contra existing understanding it deserves extra skepticism. Trying to hide this info is twice as damning as having it there in the first place.
A paramilitary organization that operations openly with the support of Lebanon and her people. Anyone at war with Hezbollah is at war with Lebanon.