You can avoid that by using the same Wi-Fi network name and password that your current network uses. Your devices won’t know the difference.
I just want to reiterate what others have said: do some googling about your router make and model. Look for the instructions for “hard reset” or “factory reset”. Follow those instructions. Once you do, you should be able to find the default login online.
Once you’re able to log into your router, I’d suggest keeping it as your DHCP server and simply following the instructions to set up a pihole with it. Everything seems to work more smoothly without the pihole as DHCP server.
Do you know if your router is acting as a DHCP server? Most do, and if you’ve set up the Pi as one without logging in and turning off your router’s, you’ve set up two conflicting DHCP servers, and that would explain your issues.
What I really want is a Sickos games raiting ranking. It would be nice to know that, in fact, there were only other 20 other people in the world watching a random G5 game with me on a Tuesday night.
I just wanted to say thank you for not making an Apollo clone.
I loved Apollo. It was a great app. But its UI seems to have short circuited the UI design of nearly every Lemmy app. If they don’t blatantly say they’re copying Apollo, it’s clear they are.
I like how you’re going in a different direction and trying new things. The Floating Action Button is a great example of trying to do something different.
Thanks so much to your dedication to this project!
This one was particularly funny, but I gotta say, I actually agree with the minstrels at the end. The Who’s In?^tm bullshit ruins this sport.
Happy you enjoyed it!
Thanks, I’m happy you enjoyed it!
TOSU fans aren’t in the least bit upset about this one. Talk to them and they see it as a badge of honor. But I see it for what it really is: tOSU lost to a D3 school. Even though, you know, the divisions didn’t exist then. But still!
The thing I love about the Michigan story is how random the game was back then. “Well golly gee my good chaps! It’s 4:50 PM and we must depart!” “Oh no, gents, I do declare it is 4:48 and there is time for one more drive!”
Oh to be a fly on the wall that day.
I love 99PI although I think Roman Mars did more about design back when he started it. If you want a podcast that very much is like old 99PI check out Twenty Thousand Hertz. It’s about sound design instead of built world design but it really catches the early 99PI vibe.
This game is really coming down to the wire, exactly as it should.
As a neutral fan, I’d like some more of that 1st quarter, please.
Wow. Things are just not going Texas’ way today. It seems to be some combination of bad luck and OU just showing up to play far more than Texas did.
Good luck. I literally went through something similar a few weeks ago. It took a little time but my entire network runs better now. You got this!