Thanks; I'll check that out ! :)
joined 2 years ago
Hey, thanks for sharing though your repo is currently not reachable; did you by any chance forgot to set it on public visibility ?
Also sharing mine while I'm at it :p; a bit messy right now, but I plan to tidy up soon.
As an alternative to what @mea_rah proposed, you can also push your files in a git repository that you can clone/pull on your remote hosts (or locally, then copied / templated out, if needed) from a separate task, which can be in or out (via include_tasks or import_tasks modules) of your roles. Or if all target hosts have access to a shared storage, you can directly copy files from there, depending on your needs.
I still think having your files and deploy task on a separate role used as a dependency for your other roles is the way to go, though I'd need more context to give you a more appropriate answer.