The article says he is likely to die from the injury. He was shot in the head.
I agree. I think 'two-faced' is the best i've seen based on OP's various comments in the thread.
I get mailers from local political groups with their voter guides. They recommend different people based on if the group is moderate or progressive, lol.
If you didn't get any of those or your town doesn't have those groups you can try just googling "CITY NAME voter guide".
Please vote. There's an open seat for Senate (no incumbent) which is one of the best times for your vote to have a real impact. This doesn't happen very often. In California there were no open Senate elections for over 20 years (1993-2017).
McDonalds gonna start selling bread
Right but I assume the parent meant that the AI could guess what the original function and variable names were based on the code, and may be even clean the code up by deoptimizing it too.
Trying to make sense of decompiled code is pretty hard for any large code base.
It's very disruptive when people are forced to move due to rent increases. Rent control helps smooth over the effects of cyclic changes in the rent market on individual people.
Sounds nice but therapy is so expensive.
As long as there's enough for your remaining lifetime that's fine. We don't have to worry about anyone else's lifetime after that.
All that energy for bitcoin only supports 7 tx/s. Digital dollar payments do tens if not hundres of thousands per second.
It was also useful when the page had changed inbetween google indexing it and now, so if you loaded the page and couldn't find the text you were searching for because it was deleted, you could find it on the cached page.
Eating Disorder