I think most people reading it understood that was their point though.
A lot of them aren't. And when more of them are negatively affected then they won't be either
Yeah but it's not exactly fair to compare the US to a developed country
As great as reinventing the English language sounds, it's not realistically going to happen in a meaningful way, and making small regional changes (like the differences in the spelling of some words) is just confusing and annoying to everyone who isn't familiar with it or with English in general.
With your example of the letter C, you'd need some alternative way to write the "ch" sound (which is sometimes pronounced as "sh", depending on it's usage) if you got rid of that letter.
It's an ugly, messy, and confusing language. Popularising arbitrary changes like the ones Webster included in his dictionary (centre vs center, for example) serves no benefit to anyone - it just creates yet another variant of an ugly, messy, and confusing language.
Do you know what impact this would have on extensions though? Would extensions developed for current Firefox versions work securely in Pale Moon?
Remind me again how you pronounce "herbs" or "aunt" over there
I also try not to judge people simply for being religious, but it's pretty damn hard when it's the direct cause of their affirmative stance on things like anti-vax, anti-abortion, anti-contraception, anti-science etc.
Of course there are people with those stances who aren't religious at all too, but they do seem to be in the minority.
In addition to what others have said, cut back on the sugar.
That is literally what happens in US news when the subject involves a criminal offence or could be considered defamation.
From a legal point of view it hasn't been tried in a court of law, which is why words like "apparently" and "allegedly" are used.
What are some good scripts for grease monkey?
Maybe that's just how badly they want to own the libs