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[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

With regards to number 2 I had often wondered just what the big deal was about returning someone to pre-Borg state. I think we can see the allegory of addiction coming into play in these scenarios as well. It's much easier for someone to "kick" being a Borg if they've only spent a little bit in the collective. The longer you spend in the collective the more of a psychological impact it has and therefore the trauma makes reversion to the pre-Borg state more challenging at the individual level.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is a question worth asking. As others have pointed out there sort of seems to be clear that the rules are the rules and business rules trump all other rules. The Rules of Acquisition tend to be the Ferengi Alliance's highest law. It's both a religious law and a practical one and I think therein is where the problem lies. You can't make profit outside of the constrains of normal ethics because whatever makes profit is what is ethical to do.

This is why so many contradictory Rules exist in this system. War is good for business and peace is good for business, and neither of these are statements on what is "bad" for business. There's nothing here that says not to do anything and I think in this way Ferengi ethics largely comes down to there's no precept that says I shouldn't do this and I was able to exchange doing it for profit so ultimately it serves a higher purpose.

And since it seems like there is a fair amount of legalize extortion that happens in Ferengi while it might be technically illegal to do slavery, it might be more profitable to do it and therefore on the whole you can come out with an ethical conclusion that is "good" especially if you're some mid-level Ferengi in charge of making sure that slavery doesn't happen and you're able to take a little bit of a kickback.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I mean let's be clear for most of Ferengi history women were not allowed to own property of any kind - including clothing and some of their business endeavors include poaching endangered animals and literally being slave traders. I mean - I don't think there's any indication that Ferengi society was anything more than hyper-capitalist dystopia as a juxtaposition of the Federation socialist utopia. That Rom and Quark are goofy and lovable I think speaks more to how bad every other Ferengi is operating outside of a Federation station.

From the Federation's perspective the Ferengi are harmless and in this way they may be ethical enough to not warrant confrontation, but at the same time - the Federation does seem to stop them when they're doing something like slave trading so I think we can imagine that for some people in the sphere of Ferengi influence they're not so ethical.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I think this is a challenging one sense ostensibly we learn that Tellarites had generation ships before achieving warp capabilities and that these generation ships went at least as far as the Delta Quadrant. I don't know that we can so safely assume that Jankom Pog is representative of Tellarites in the Federation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I thought it was a clever way to handle it, but it was... strange because it telegraphed it's narrative purpose rather than keeping it as part of the narrative. But I mean - to be fair I can't think of a better way to make it work than exactly what they did and I thought it kind of worked out well all things considered.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Pursuant to this and maintaining consistency with the CO/XO dynamic on many Starships it's totally reasonable to have a small vessel commanded by a Lt. Cdr. who we call the Captain, with a Lieutenant as the first officer.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Tuvok is such an example as he is almost always referred to as Lieutenant and later he's promoted to Lt. Cdr properly, but he wore Lt. Cdr. rank insignia for like maybe the first season without anyone really correcting it.

It's true that Tilly was not 'promoted' to any rank and kept her rank simply being assigned a position, however, I think it's weird for her to be the XO except that she was part of the principle cast and they needed to give her a reason to be part of the overarching narrative for each season.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

but it feels big to actually use the word?

I felt the same way. This reminded me of Discovery's Admiral Vance openly admitting to ending capitalism being a goal of the Federation.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't think it's the best season of Picard. I think, in fact, it was the worst if only because it did not fit narratively within the rest of the Picard series. It was essentially a soft reboot of the series letting most of the primary cast disappear and replacing them with the nostalgic cast for the finale.

I agree though, Lower Decks and Prodigy did it first and did it better than Picard because they stayed true to the ideals of Starfleet and the Federation and made this a main point of the series. Something that I think both animated shows do extremely well. Contrast this with Picard's Starfleet and Federation - they are in this position because they are spies, torturers, and liars who engage in grave robbery and allow themselves to be constantly defeated at their own hand by hubris only to be saved not by Federation and Starfleet ideals, but by the opposite (as presented.)

I also think that this same phenomenon happens in TOS as well although to a much less noticable degree. While that crew was always depicted as a little more willing to bend the rules, the movies had them breaking all the rules with a smirk and I think part of that was just the desire to hammer into the same nostalgia that Picard 3 tries to do. Unfortunately, Picard 3 doesn't give us original characters or original concepts and so it needs to be maintained through relationships to existing characters.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I think part of the original intent was to have Starfleet be that Merchant Marine fleet and serve similar roles, however that was largely left on the cutting room floor. As a result I think the best way to understand a Merchant Marine ship like perhaps the SS Puget Sound (a Federation colony ship) could indeed be a Starfleet vessel (made by Starfleet), commissioned by the Federation, but commanded by a crew which hold Merchant Marine ranks and not Starfleet ranks. A Federation Colony Ship.

This would help explain the massive function of a 22nd or 23rd century Starfleet being operated entirely by a military organization. It's not, many aspects of the fleet are controlled by the Merchant Marine service. A Federation Freighter likewise would be any freighter commissioned by the Federation and therefore likely to be crewed by the MMs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

We do not know when the UEF was formed. It could be a relatively new initiative having taken longer to get started without the help of the Vulcans. The USS Iowa is a United States Starship whereas the UEF Enterprise is the United Earth Fleet ship. Sometime between Kirk's birth and the 'present' Earth was finally able to form a central government (or at least a centrally organized spacefleet) under one banner.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I think narratively it's just a much more enjoyable to not have Odo shift shape onscreen, especially as it gives him the ability to overpower a lot of people. In the early episodes this needed to be shown so we could understand Odo's character, but by the fourth season (both when he was a solid and not) we knew enough about the Changelings that we didn't need to show this as frequently and had to figure out more creative ways to to get around Odo.

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