
joined 2 years ago
[–] magiccupcake 9 points 3 days ago

Everyone was that was caught was found out because they took a car and got their license plate scanned.

There was other evidence too like clothes and fingerprints, but those probably would not have been enough evidence on it's own.

Leave your phone at home, don't bring anything you don't need, don't leave any items behind, and get rid of recognizable clothing.

And keep it simple, don't draw unnecessary attention.

[–] magiccupcake 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Why is the resolution limited at 90hz?

There should be plenty of bandwidth to run 2x2560x2560 at 90hz. That should only be ~28.3gbps, which is less than dp 1.4 max of 32.

And it's less bandwidth than a 4k monitor at 240hz, though that requires DSC.

[–] magiccupcake 48 points 3 days ago (3 children)

These people got caught because someone found their car and thus license plate.

Another had left a fingerprinted bottle that went missing when watching surveillance footage.

And then were able to confirm after finding the same outfit from the surveillance footage.

The lessons to be learned are to not use cars anywhere near the scene, leave no trace, fingerprints or digital evidence, including a phone, and make sure any recognizable clothing is well hidden, or even better thoroughly destroyed.

Oh and don't post anything on social media.

[–] magiccupcake 24 points 3 days ago (2 children)

These people got caught because someone found their car and thus license plate.

Another had left a fingerprinted bottle that went missing when watching surveillance footage.

And then were able to confirm after finding the same outfit from the surveillance footage.

The lessons to be learned are to not use cars anywhere near the scene, leave no trace, fingerprints or digital evidence, including a phone, and make sure any recognizable clothing is well hidden, or even better thoroughly destroyed.

Oh and don't post anything on social media.

[–] magiccupcake 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Probably also ebikes, they take away a lot of what sucks as a bike commuter, or for recreation.

It shouldn't be seen as poverty, as in some cases biking is more convenient, especially in more urban area where parking is harder to find.

[–] magiccupcake 2 points 5 days ago

No it doesn't, so that's why I didn't speculate on the cause. But the statistics don't lie, and you'd be a fool for assuming you'd be the exception.

As for speculation, guns are tools of escalation. Pulling a gun on robber while half asleep can turn a robbery into a homicide. Not to mention all the stories of people who shoot at intruders who turn out to be police from a no knock warrant and inevitably kill someone.

But it doesn't matter what the cause for it really is in the end. Owning guns don't make you safe.

[–] magiccupcake 11 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Statistically if you have a gun your risk of death by homicide doubles, and suicide rate triples citation.

Guns don't make you safe. Dogs are a are an actually effective deterrent for example citation.

[–] magiccupcake 1 points 1 week ago

Looks like a staged photo, the corner where the wall meets the ceiling makes a hard right angle, which makes me think it's a building and not a plane.

[–] magiccupcake 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

What else is owned by tesla that is easily accessible?

Many teslas were purchased by people who were unaware, so the cars don't make great targets.

Damaging superchargers is an appropriate target to punish those involved in dismantling American democracy.

[–] magiccupcake 15 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

No continue to burn them. Insurance doesn't want to lose money either and will probably raise rates. More burned tesla means higher rates.

[–] magiccupcake 22 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Nah fuck that.

Money is the only thing that matters to the ultra rich, burn it down.

Most tesla drivers can charge at home, or somewhere else with an adapter. They'll be fine.

[–] magiccupcake 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

The smallest 3kw motor could likely be used on ebikes. If that's not enough just add another motor for 6kw, and that's more than enough for an ebike.

Might be a tad low on toque though.


System shock was before my time, but starting it now and its clear some of the mechanics inspired Prey.

The setting that they both have is also something that I'd love see more of slightly horror set on a space station.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by magiccupcake to c/drg

I have noticed that its much more difficult when you get a lot of the new mobs.

The corrupter is a pain to fight on uneven terrain, which is most caves.

The septic spitter creates painful hazards, but is at least easy to identify and kill.

I've seen the stingtail down so many people by moving them out of position repeatedly, so I've found i need to protect teamates it's targeting.

I love the jet boots, especially as gunner, but even as scout its useful. I just wish I'd see them more.

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