
joined 1 year ago
[–] macattack 3 points 2 months ago

'The Rest is History' is how I've been getting my world history. Great banter from two British hosts

[–] macattack 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

If you have a spare laptop/phone, I'd find a good tutorial and start there and then venture towards new hardware as your needs require it. Personally, I bought a (used) laptop when my main laptop wouldn't boot, but then I wiped my malfunctioning laptop and it started working again. I've been using the used laptop as a server ever since.

Personally, I have yet to find something that I couldn't self-host on the laptop and still don't quite grasp why I'd need a heavier-powered device.

[–] macattack 1 points 2 months ago

Try running journalctl -b -p err the next time it happens. That takes a look at errors that took place since the last log and can potentially direct you towards a specific target area to resolve.

[–] macattack 7 points 2 months ago

Nothing like some crowdsourced help to fine-tune the google search for your kink.

[–] macattack 12 points 2 months ago

Same. I'm on Debian tho so I've got ~6 months until it affects me :D

[–] macattack 44 points 2 months ago (7 children)

IIRC, the music industry was in decline long before Spotify was made. The transition period before Spotify was just illegally downloading everything through Limewire/Kazaa/Napster etc.

Also, the reason podcasts make money is because they can produce something that brings audiences in on a weekly basis. The music industry OTOH has artists that make an album a year or less. It's not as sustainable and it's harder to sell ads against.

I don't think more segmentation is a wanted solution by consumers either. Consumers would much rather use one app for all platforms than have to buy a different streaming service every time they want to listen to a new album.

[–] macattack 1 points 2 months ago


I think that as we move towards shorter and shorter clips/tweets, there's an assumed prior context that is often missing. For example, Borat or Stephen Colbert's character on The Daily Show are clear caricatures but when you have a 5-second clip out of context, it actually feeds into the narrative it is ridiculing.

The same goes for naming cosplaying an elected official.

[–] macattack 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I can't speak to 5G but my Mint 4G service was non-existent when I was at a concert. It was otherwise great the other 99.99% of the time fwiw. Been a user for ~7 years

[–] macattack 16 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

That's the frustrating thing about the current internet climate. In a time when less and less people are interested in researching the backstory of a tweet/policy/person, things like this are shared w/o context. Had to go down a rabbit hole to realize it's a fake satire writer.

[–] macattack 18 points 2 months ago (7 children)

How does the duopoly have full control if Republicans have the majority in the House/Senate/Supreme Court?

[–] macattack 16 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Two out of 10 Linux users agree that insert name here is the best distro

[–] macattack 10 points 2 months ago

Your reaction to the uncertainty that comes w/ quitting your job is normal. IMO that is the aspect to investigate and try to accept what is and what isn't within your control

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