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[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Just because they are worth less than a human doesn't mean you are free to inflict pain and suffering upon them. I'm vegan and i see animals as below me, i'd kill an animal if it means saving a human life. However that alone doesn't justify paying for them to be abused, raped, and have their throats slit for 15 minutes of taste pleasure when i can just eat something else instead.

The line is to not hurt animals unless you have a reason to.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Ah the classic "i get my meat from local farms, free range and grass fed!" doesn't change the fact that they die for nothing more than your tastebuds, buddy. A horrible existence through and through because you specifically paid for it, on top of being responsible for 18.5% CO2 emissions. It's easy to point the finger at "big corporations" and simply hope that they spontaneously stop polluting without consumers demanding alternatives at the very least.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Often injures fishermen


[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

Why not engage with the rest of my argument ? What's so different between raping a human and an animal ? Shouldn't we know better than trying to argue that raping animals regularly is good so long as we can profit from their bodily fluids ? Are you okay with your daily choices leading up to cows being raped, by your own admission, every two or three months, giving birth, getting their calves taken away, spending their life in pain due to the enormous milk production, and dying an early death ? I'm not okay with it, so i don't partake in it and just buy oatmilk instead lmao.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

oh wow i just read through your article quickly and it's saying that raping the cows isn't abuse ? alright then i guess sexually exploiting animals is a-okay so long as it's for profit

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

If there wasn't any dairy production, the male calves wouldn't be born only to die soon after. There wouldn't be these genetically engineered cows who spend their lives in pain due to milk overproduction. "They wait 50 to 80 days" wow great! Let me put it this way:

I keep a woman in my basement, she is well fed, well cared for, she has a roof over her head. I rape her every 10 months (but actually i might give her a couple additionals months to recover- I'm not a monster) and once she gives birth, if it's a male, i wait a couple months and kill him, if it's a girl, well there's my next resource just waiting to be used. I steal her breast milk and sell it for profit. What a kind and upstanding guy i must be. Hey, her and her children were bred for that purpose, no harm done.

If you don't like that example, just substitute it for a dog or whatever animal you typically care more about than a cow. The point is that it's inhumane, it's not necessary, it's only to fulfill a selfish want from humans who can very well live without milk, without dairy. For fuck's sake most people are some degree of lactose intolerant.

I maintain my point, they should not even be bred in the first place, the solution is as simple as this: as the number of vegans increases, supply slowly dwindles and less and less of them will be born, until eventually none are left. The same apply for the chicken, why would you consciously breed them continuously into an existence where you know they will live shorter and more painful lives due to what we have bred them into ?

It's not even a "capitalism" only thing. Yes it's aggravated by it, but the very exploitation is the problem. Unless in your mind, a communist utopia includes everyone being vegan. I don't think any country aiming for communism has that very high on their checklist.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Do you know what happens to male calves in the dairy industry? Hint: they are unnecessary for dairy farmers. The cows spend their whole lifes artificially inseminated, another word for that is "rape". Get pregnant over and over, get your calves taken away to be either killed or raised the way their mothers will. All to be sent off to slaughter once milk production slows down. Usually at about 3-5 years old if my memory serves me correctly.

Not to be too judgemental, and i understand this is how my post comes off anyway, but you are still directly responsible for this. Cows were never meant to produce 10L of milk a day for their calves, so much that they're in pain if not constantly milked.

Far from anything close to ethical. Same goes for chickens and their eggs.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 year ago

US isn’t doing this because they want to, but because there are no other ammo left and ammo production is still ramping up.

The US has completely run out of ammunition, congratulations to Russia for depleting the US of all its resources

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

That's a good quote. People who say that act as if we shouldn't know better than wild animals when it comes to morality. Absolute garbage argument that yet is the one i hear the most when people realize i'm vegan.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

what would be a good way of preventing children from accessing porn, then, other than going China's route and straight-up banning it, maybe the extra complexity to access it is good enough to achieve the same goal ?

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

I agree that it can be a bit of both sides here, however what are the practical ways to prevent that? If you give your kid an hour of iPad time a day or whatever, are you going to stand over their shoulder the whole time? Maybe you have the technical expertise to block certain websites on a case by case basis on your router, but that's not most people. Even then, as soon as they're not on your home network anymore, it's free game. Again, I'm not saying the proposed french way is perfect, or even good, i'm conflicted.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Too young; Unrealistic expectations, stunted emotional growth, disfigured view of women, and generally developing worse fetishes. This is all anecdotal and/or personal experience however.

Overall however i think the porn industry should be abolished, no one should have to do any of this for money, and it objectifies the people involved way too much.

Cool username btw :)

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