
joined 1 year ago
[–] lung 6 points 3 weeks ago

Sure you don't "have to" bathe but you'll have a bad time if you don't

[–] lung 2 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah I sure don't, have been happy with my prompt for a decade

[–] lung 2 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Performance of what, zsh? C ain't good enough anymore??

[–] lung 3 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

Fk if I know, that describes every shell. But new trends include and nushell. Just use zsh tho, it's perfect, always has been

[–] lung 15 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I don't agree, in the experience of my friend circle, if you don't release for a while:

  • you start having wet dreams
  • prostate harm - increased rates of prostate cancer in multiple studies - and my friend developed pelvic floor issues
  • the "mental harm" is having to walk around horny all the time, constantly thinking of sex, and affecting your interactions
  • even celibate people mostly masturbate, that's not what it means. Including many confessions from priests
[–] lung 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Nope, still smoothbrain, "consciousness" is not defined at all. It's just a word that nobody actually understands, outside of something like "he was knocked unconscious" — the Philosophy of Mind is a huge circle jerk where scholars have spent decades publishing papers yelling at each other as they try to figure out if consciousness exists at all, is part of a soul given to us by God, is an emergent property of complexity, or just plain stupid. You can't prove you yourself are conscious, let alone anything else. Or maybe the whole universe is conscious because it's one big system. Oh well, at least the professors get jobs

[–] lung 18 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

That's so fucking funny, dude really hates Google. XScreenSaver was released in 1992 fyi, and was once considered the pride and joy of Linux, being way cooler than other OS screensavers, and had a big community of ppl trying to make new trippy ones

[–] lung 23 points 3 weeks ago

Absolutely terrible way to compare foods. The fact that many veg proteins are incomplete means they only have some of the amino acids we need, and must be paired with other foods to get a complete set. Generally that's "rice and beans" kinda combos. Though some plants have complete proteins

Also there are obvious downsides to many of the foods on the right side, like high cholesterol/saturated fats that will kill you from heart disease, and red meat being linked to diabetes/cancer

[–] lung 51 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm honestly so trolled, I hate change & hate the idea that something might be better than my existing Arch install. I hate that security, reliability, and flexibility are improved. I cope by reminding myself that I'm very low on disk space right now, for the needed extra partitions

[–] lung 3 points 3 weeks ago

No but you see, there's no reason a newer osx can't run on their older hardware most of the time. You can install new windows on an old laptop if it has the specs. It's not like they lost the drivers or whatever. It's a choice they made, cutting off users from security updates & newer apps & leaving them with a vulnerable device

[–] lung 13 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

Really annoys me that Apple has a policy of no more updates after 7 years (or when they change the CPU architecture enough) — that's hardcore planned obsolescence & I think it made their hardware quality worse over time (in addition to being unrepairable)

Super lame. While I'm ranting, their trade in program is a scam that doesn't pay out almost ever. And otherwise they will "recycle it for free" making money Im sure

So yeah I'm pretty sure the era of MacBook superiority is over & imma buy a considerably higher spec System 76 laptop instead which comes with a repair bible for pretty much every scenario and is upgradeable

[–] lung 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

... because it's publicly accessible with no delete function

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