That was a joke? woof, yeah stick to your worker bee job. I was being serious, the people that brag about how big and important they are typically are too poor to pass up $5.
I don't want you to hang out. Take your 5 bucks, say thank you like a good servant, and go back to your super important worker bee job. 7th tee now FYI.
I didn't realize Russia was advocating to save me money but thats cool. No it doesn't concern me at all because claiming "Russian propoganda" doesn't change anything I've said.
The only way you could be contributing value right now is if you could run us out a 6 pack of beer from the club house to the 5th tee. I'll call in the order right now, there's a fiver in it for you.
Right, the talk about nominating him existed. Him ascending to the presidency wasn't anything taken seriously.
lol you couldn't afford my companies services. Well enjoy your meetings, if it's raining outside don't forget your umbrella, wouldn't want you to drowned. Us little people have a Tee time!
Ok, who organized and hosted the most recent peace talks between Ukraine and Russia? what terms were discussed?
Oh it's completely logical. We've done it to Russia basically in every single one of their conflicts since the start of the cold war.
lol, BlUe CoLlAr WoRkEr DuMb!, great strategy for the left BTW. No actually, I have a quick meeting with my accountant to go over some end of year tax prep stuff for my company, and then I think I'm going to sneek in a round of golf since it's a nice day. Not many of those left before we have to switch over to skiing season!
I was obviously referring to the 1st amendment, but I absolutely am fully eligible to run for any federal elected office as well!
lucky for me, the US constitution says otherwise!
1 is the only reason he lilkely won't win a nomination vote, the rest are reasons people might actually vote for him. There's people to keep the rules and procedures straight for you, and the last 3 are great reasons that all but the most basic and necessary bills would be killed, and even some of them would be in jeopardy.
nope. It's interesting they are worried about how my tax money is spent and not the war, that explains the massive failure their invasion has been i guess.