Russia won’t negotiate in good faith. Their negotiating starting points break from reality, there is no way to negotiate with facts that have no relation to reality. It’s like negotiating with your boomer qanon family lunatic. There is no point
Ukraine must continue to resist and attack Russia forces until the RU military breaks and falls back to 2014 borders. That is the only way to ensure that Russia’s current imperial aims are beyond their reach.
Hey man I hope you feel better.
For your GERD have you heard of the acid reflux diet? I was listening to a podcast one day and Bette Midler was talking about this diet with somebody who was losing the ability to speak. She follows the diet to save her voice for singing and her Las Vegas show. I certainly hadn’t heard of it from my doctor who only prescribed meds.
I had to eliminate one prescription med (progesterone), vitamin D, tomato sauce, raw onions, and mint from my diet. With a those changes, I have only the occasional acid reflux event. I sneak a pizza dinner one evening every 2 months or so, and as long as it’s one night only, I can get away with it.
Here is a John Hopkins link about the diet. If you had tomato sauce with those gnocchi, you might have made the reflux worse of tomato is a trigger for you.