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[–] lledrtx 1 points 4 months ago (11 children)

How exactly?

They claim that they are doing this to help non-muslim refugees fleeing places like Pakistan. Their claim is that they can't accommodate all refugees so the first preference is for non-muslims being persecuted.

If Pakistan didn't exist, this persecution wouldn't be there?

[–] lledrtx 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I don't understand why this comment is inevitably under every Tiktok thread. Everyone knows Big Tech spies for the govt especially the lawmakers, precisely why they don't want a hostile foreign govt doing it.

China knows this too - that's why FB, Google etc are banned there. So what's your point?

[–] lledrtx 2 points 4 months ago

Nah. Short penis privilege 😎

[–] lledrtx 1 points 4 months ago
[–] lledrtx 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I sit on the toilet to pee at home. Why do all guys just not do that? It's better in every way.

[–] lledrtx 8 points 4 months ago (11 children)

Thank you for your work, though!

Very curious about the page French govt wanted deleted.

[–] lledrtx 5 points 4 months ago

I did something similar too but no animals. You had a great childhood 👍

[–] lledrtx 6 points 4 months ago

Jesus Christ. Only on Lemmy, lol.

[–] lledrtx 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Is that joke that on a cosmic level, it's mostly hydrogen and helium (?) so others get ignored, like how genders other than the usual 2 get ignored? If so, that's so smart and funny, wow.

Or is it something else that I'm not getting?

[–] lledrtx -3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

IKR. Lemmy is almost as racist, sexist etc as reddit now. It's crazy.

[–] lledrtx 9 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Nice post history, OP. Not unhinged at all.

[–] lledrtx 1 points 4 months ago

that it's a cultural issue

So when white people say racist things, it's a one off shithead person. But when brown people do crimes, it must be in their culture, got it.

We can get #NotAllIndians trending

How about we don't make it about their skin color or "culture" so that we wouldn't have to do?

By your arguments you're saying article like this are bullshit hysteria with zero basis in reality?

Not bullshit, never claimed that. Only thing I'm saying is that violence against women is a problem everywhere, not special about Indians. And making it about them is unhelpful and harmful.

That take is super chill and not victim blamey at all. I mean, these "victims" were probably asking for it. Got it

Oof damn talk about putting words in my mouth. Crazy that you want to die on this hill so bad and all based on "the data is wrong" and "my friends said they were sketchy". Since you are resorting to things I didn't say to attack me, I've realized that this is a waste of time. Good luck - make sure to practice your bigotry in silence, though - unlike this shithead professor but like thousands of professors who are not shithead enough to put it in writing. That will definitely help everyone.

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