Similar to other replies, I am also unaware of both education and job prospects where you live. I live in the US and I graduated a little bit over a year ago with an EE degree. Similar to your experience I also wanted more experience/work in CS but scheduling and class availability nullified my chances at getting a minor in CS. Taking what I had learned from those few classes and the experience I had gained from having my own homelab, set up landed me a job in the power systems field (utility side). Most power systems simulation software suites have the capability to integrate scripting (usually python) and companies that utilize them (utilities and consultants) are looking for EEs with that specialty.
joined 2 years ago
That’s awesome experience, my set up is just a load of refurbished hardware running out of my closet lol. My 2nd internship was “IT adjacent” which unfortunately locked me out of most directly CS positions(I’m in a highly tech competitive part of the states). I’d say shoot your shot with any field/industry that interests you, my experience with entry level positions is that they’re looking for general skills and the willingness to learn. Showing off your projects and what you learned/gained from doing them shows initiative. And good luck with the job hunt!