Yeah, I got a 7-day ban for 'encouraging violence', when all I said was that Luigi didn't deserve to go to jail for what he did. I appealed, my account was restored, but not before being (as of now, I literally just noticed this) permanently-banned for 'multiple, repeated violations of Reddit's Content Policy on your other account(s).' I have had only one account on Reddit for 14 years, I don't even make throwaways, so it seems like they're really scraping for excuses. What's hilarious is that my account was reinstated 3 hours ago from the appeal for teh temp-ban, but the perma-ban came 11 hours ago, so they perma-banned me then lifted the temp-ban. Thanks, guys. :P I'm going to appeal it just to see what their response is, but fuck 'em.
I didn't realize there were firefox forks, are any of them significantly better than firefox?
Yeah, I switched to Firefox when this whole Manifest V3 thing was announced, I only still have Chrome installed because it's better for PDFs than Firefox and once in a great while i run into a site that doesn't work right on Firefox.
Yeah, I heard someone say a week or so ago that they straight disabled it in the browser, and now only the gimped version that works with Manifest V3 works now. Thankfully I switched to Firefox when all this Manifest V3 stuff was announced. As far as I know it's the only browser out there that isn't based on Chromium (which Google also controls, so browsers like Brave will likely be affected by this soon as well, unless a bunch of those smaller browsers get together and fork Chromium and maintain it themselves, which I'm not very hopeful about) and so doesn't have to worry about these shenanigans.
It's not about knowing how to press a button, it's about knowing which button and when.
It's more about the size of the area on-call IT personnel are expected to cover, cause they're frequently huge. It's normally not a problem because the more remote regions have less hardware and thus are less likely to have issues, but it does happen occasionally.
I love the ones that won't even look when you ask them if something is unplugged. 'Of course it's plugged in, what kind of idiot do you think I am?' A big flaming one, cause when I instead say 'Hey, sometimes those cables come loose without looking like it, can you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?' every. single. person. answers with 'Oh hey, it wasn't plugged in at all!' I know, dumbass, and as unamused as I am by the fact that you called me before checking the absolute basics, I am even less amused by the fact that I had to circumvent your idiocy to get you to tell me what the actual situation is.
Yeah, I feel this one. It really only takes one time getting called in at 3am because half the city has lost internet due to a janitor unplugging a rack full of routers so he'd have a place to plug in his radio while he was mopping to turn into a dick.
I'm kinda weird in that I'm very text-oriented rather than visual-oriented, and this even results in a preference for keyboard over mouse, if I can't hotkey a thing by god I will go get a tool that will let me hotkey it, etc. As such, I type everything up in a notes app that syncs between my phone and PC. Also, while I do sometimes bookmark things, I often forget that I have so most things I find again just by remembering what I searched for last time when I find it.
Keeping people on-site at every facility is impractical, because most of the time they're not needed, it's just the occasional 'woops the routing table has shit the bed' or 'woops we're getting no signal to that CO', etc. For something like a datacenter, sure, you absolutely need round-the-clock staff. But for off-hours it just makes more sense to have people on-call (and thus pay them less than their hourly wage), and the incentive for businesses is to have as few of those people as possible rather than ensuring reasonable coverage and short travel times.