guess what??? Dundermifflin
Hahah knitapease! I love it...but you can always create a new one and easily delete this one. Otherwise, I think it's great :)
Before peri, do you remember thinking..."what's the big deal about hot flashes?" Like so what, you get hot for a few minutes, how bad could that be?? Some poor folk get them every hour and lasting for 10 mins or more!
I hear ya...digestion, gut issues (should I risk a cup of coffee today?), monitoring foods, figuring out when to take what medication and then how to counteract the side effects of that. Some days it feels like trying to juggle balls, when I can barely hold onto one. Keep hanging on @getitoffmychestpleas....
Great article. Unravelling is a perfect description of what we're experiencing.
Has anyone read the book listed in the article? What’s Wrong With me? 101 Things Midlife Women Need to Know. Might be a good one to add to the list.
The startling one for me was the facial changes due to potential bone loss and thinning visible veins along the temples...ugh when did that happen???
Have you checked out Angie at Hot&Flashy? She's a 60 year old youtuber (started her channel at the age of 50) and offers a pretty good skin care routine. It is a bit spendy to get all the products she uses/recommends to start, but they do last for months at a time.
This works! Welcome :)
I'm an Android user myself, but I think you just need to open this link with your phone after installing Apple TestFlight. Hopefully the beta reaches a stable enough point soon so that this extra step will be eliminated. Glad you made it over to us in the meantime!
Thanks for coming!
Thanks for this!
There's really no rhyme or reason with hot flashes. Mine didn't start until I became post-meno!