Oh okay.
Your opinion is very weird, friend.
when I asked if they changed their mailing address and checked their voting status, we discovered they weren’t.
They weren't what?
Damn. I thought the ovens were to burn corpses only. Shit. That changes everything. And yes, I would treat such place with utmost respect.
I don't know, man. Look at where big projects are at right now. Blender, Gimp, Linux, Inkscape, KDNLive...
It can happen.
But anyway. The day I can't use a secure, open-source web browser is the day I'll stop web browsing. Just like when I decided to never buy commercial music, go to the movies or buy a Smart TV.
She's learning about Nazis now?
Where do you two live?
(Better late than never, I suppose. Kudos to your wife for showing interest.)
I... don't know, man. That reeks of "Baby survives plane crash - everyone celebrates. (but FUCK the other 299 who died a horrible death, amirite?)"
You're saying that you like seeing millions getting railed to their deaths. Fucking Nazi scum.
(I'm joking, in case it's not apparent.)
Why were they told to stop?
It was not an argument. Just an observation. And your opinion doesn't make it less relevant.
As the matter of fact, both can co-exist.
Reddit fucked up Lemmy, and now that they're here, welp, it's bullshit.
Eh. Like I said... financial shit I don't care about.
Spectre wasn't even Firefox's fault. It was a CPU vulnerability.
In the end, if an open source browser cannot step up, some other will and take its place. I'm okay with that.
Your logic is even weirder.