..while also abusing poor people to build the censorship models
Polish ID be like..
I turn 18 in a week, signing this will probably be the second thing I do after my birthday (the first one will be drinking myself to blackout to forget the current state of the world)
The piece of shit saying that was formed to screw the US
who would've guessed
Get well soon!
Beat argument against fascism
I mean I'd more say political correctness is saying shit that aligns with the current political climate, conservatives just stole it and started calling everything they disagree with 'pOlItIcAlLy CoRrEcT'. I read a book from the nineties where political correctness was used to describe the classic conservatism. Traditional family, anti Muslim sentiment, yada yada yada.
am happy for you!
I think I'm gonna do shrooms since I cannot do this bullshit anymore. Where the fuck is the world heading.. :(
Preposterous. Did they have a warrant?