Perfectly ambiguous. Deal.
If you don’t mind the magical thinking monotheism and 1930s pseudoscience and sexism that must never be changed, then it may work for you. Plus its success rate is a non-negative number. What’s not to like??
I would say just wait. This is the not the SCOTUS you want making religion decisions that will outlive us both.
This part is a slippery slope that I don’t have a pithy hot take for. I wish I did.
I mean, do I really want to wait from 1776 or 1791 until 2013¹ for the state to mandate that all marriage license-issuing court clerks be required to issue marriage licenses to any unmarried pair of adults, even if the pair was assigned the same gender at birth?
Lots of Americans still resent that those clerks are funded by their tax dollars.
- marriage between those without matching birth-certificate sex was the only legal marriage in the United States during this period
Jonathan Swift appears to have authored its first incantation in 1721:
Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired
More slaves alive today than at any other time in history, in fact.
And it’s been illegal worldwide since only 1981 (Mauritania), where it was essentially a misdemeanor until 2007.
Unfortunately, no one believes they are wealthy. Some believe they are comfortable. All believe they could have more.
They would not.
Lots of people whose parents are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which had a shorter nickname until 2018, but even a church that self-identifies as the Universe’s one true church should not be deadnamed after transitioning) teach their children to:
- go proselytize, door-to-door, for two years after high school, during which, they must
- spend all that time being never alone, with a person of the same sex as they were assigned at birth, and they must
- never masturbate, and then
- come home and go [back] to BYU, but also
- begin having children with a spouse as soon as possible, all the while,
- being at the age of their highest libido ever and surrounded by people, each in their physical prime, and then most importantly, they must
- not discover, realize, or admit they might not be straight. It is forbidden. Like fruit of the tree of knowledge. For to do so would mean they must never ever have sex, or alternatively, that they must marry a person to whom they are not attracted, and then be encouraged to procreate with that person anyway.
Sounds kinda romantic. Please verify you’re not into it first. And then: let’s do this.
Spilling seed on the ground is a sin. I mean, ~cum~ on. I mean, come on. And cum in.
As long as it’s not romantic. Meet me in the showers, Elder.
What does lower left’s background color (purple?) mean