
joined 1 year ago
[–] lanolinoil 7 points 2 weeks ago

pretty big talk for a people that think curry is an Indian food and still use vinegar as a fried food condiment :P

And just for the record -- Butter, nor sugar, are spices ...

[–] lanolinoil 52 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (12 children)

end citizens united -- corporations aren't people

end lobbying so shell oil doesn't have 10000000X time and money to affect the government as a person does.

Quit assigning good/bad labels to companies that operate within the law and furious pursue laws that make us more equal, richer and safer overall



[–] lanolinoil 4 points 2 weeks ago

isn't that the point? The corruption has tricked us to believing they can regulate themselves or are even not amoral about social issues. Companies make profit -- that is their singular goal. The laws and regulations control their behavior, not 'good will' or whatever we pretend motivates individuals

[–] lanolinoil 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

...and for that reason, I'm out

[–] lanolinoil 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)


It's distributed under the GNU General Public License v2 (or any later version) - see the accompanying COPYING file for more details.

[–] lanolinoil 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

is it not open source? That helps to decentralize power though powerful figures can still appear in those spaces too, like (benevolent) Torvalds on the Linux kernel

e: yeah

[–] lanolinoil 20 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's not that those softwares are noble, they're just decentralized. I will say it's impressive that Tor doesn't have some people pulling the strings trying to take over (but it's probably the NSA right?)

[–] lanolinoil 13 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

sounds like carteling more than monopoly but maybe that's just a sub category

[–] lanolinoil 1 points 3 weeks ago

wow haven't seen antipope in a long time

[–] lanolinoil 4 points 3 weeks ago

I make this every week because you can't buy white bread without a billion preservatives and whatnot

[–] lanolinoil 5 points 3 weeks ago

oi mate you got your nut oil loiscence?

submitted 4 months ago by lanolinoil to c/ai_art
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Stable Diffusion


Right now I'm using controlnet with depth and generating a prompt with gpt4 vision -- Any suggestion on multiple controlnet setting to replicate images?

Shokupan Attempt #1 (
submitted 7 months ago by lanolinoil to c/lemmybread
submitted 7 months ago by lanolinoil to c/ai_

Web implementation of AI Scheduler

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Set your preferences, upload a calendar file and a list of tasks and the AI will work with you to create a daily schedule based on available free time and your priorities and tasks.

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