
joined 9 months ago
[–] lakeeffect 2 points 1 month ago

I think it’s off of Barton springs but I didn’t read the article

[–] lakeeffect 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

antique airplane restoration. So many parts, so many unreplaceable parts, soo many tools, soo many large parts as well.

[–] lakeeffect 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

I didn’t like them joking about it being the last episode. Also, that Bart the daredevil remake was really gorey.

[–] lakeeffect 1 points 6 months ago

That’s awesome. I’d buy this if the form factor was smaller.

[–] lakeeffect 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

We don't have 0 below lines. Look at downtown houston. They have below ground lines. Look at recent subdivisions in places like Fannett, TX, they are below ground there.

Are you talking about transmission lines? I'm not sure of any place that runs those below ground.

[–] lakeeffect 3 points 8 months ago (6 children)

I see a lot of people here blaming the TX grid but not all of Texas is under ERCOT.

SE of Houston, power is supplied by Entergy Texas which also supplies power along most of the gulf coast.

Here is a statement from them, "As of 6:30 p.m. Friday, Entergy Texas crews have safely restored electrical power to approximately 199,100 of the 252,460 customers impacted by Hurricane Beryl. We expect all customers who can safely take power to be restored no later than Monday, July 15."

These are not TX policy decisions causing these outages. It is simply economical decisions that are made throughout the national grid system to make it affordable to deliver the vast quantities of power that people need at a price they can afford. It's simply a fact of life that when you have such a powerful storm passing through, any human built system is going to fall to the power of mother nature.

I was a electrical engineer back in college, so if anyone has any specific things they want to ask, I'll try to respond.

I'm not an economist though so I can't tell you why it's more important for peoples heating and cooling bills to be closer to $100 a month instead of $300 and why the policy decisions are made to support that. And this is with modest electrical usage setting my AC to cool down to a conservative 78-80 degrees since I'm cheap and want to conserve energy.

[–] lakeeffect 1 points 8 months ago

Power in TX is about .09/kilowatt hour where as in MI it's .215 during the summer. This is slightly SE of houston in an area not connected to the ERCOT grid. Power was also out for ~4 days for all the reasons you mentioned.

[–] lakeeffect 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Zoom in. :).

He’s sticking his head up to see what I’m doing.

[–] lakeeffect 2 points 8 months ago

Sounds like a car alarm!

[–] lakeeffect 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Where do you live? I don’t listen to the radio anymore but when I did, I could get my favorite station 50 miles away no problem.

Creston Farmers Market (
submitted 8 months ago by lakeeffect to c/grandrapids
submitted 9 months ago by lakeeffect to c/flying
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