
joined 3 days ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

I'm new to the fediverse and can't access the link.

I'm on pixelfed.ca and logged in, but the link demands that I log into an account on pixtagram.social. (I also did a global search for "punk rock history" but it doesn't show up.)

Is there a way I can see it without creating a pixtagram.social account?


Found this in Windows 93!

Babylon 5

The station

              A   A   A
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O=|-|OOOOO--<=X===X===X=>-| | |-----| | |>  HHK   |    Felix  Roy
   ~    ~~\--| |-| |-|~|---___-------___---/==\__/'     Mariposa
             | | | | | |                            [email protected]
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Omega Class Destroyer 
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Felix Roy Mariposa
EA Dreadnuaght

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Felix Roy Mariposa
EA Cruiser (The Hyperion) 

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Felix Roy Mariposa
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Artist:                                 Posted By:
[email protected] (Chris Carter)      [email protected] (FRM)
            B  A  B_^Y^^L  O  N
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Ambassodor Londo Mollari

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago

I can't wait until Half-Life 3 finishes loading!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago

You're welcome. I only learned of it myself a few weeks ago.


If you loved horror-comedy Mr Vampire, then you'll want to see Lam Ching-Ying return as the "vampire"-fighting Taoist priest, only this time he's also a modern-day Hong Kong cop, fighting a drug gang that employs ghosts and the hopping dead!




[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Thanks for this!

  • "Man, the energy! The speed! YES, YES, YEEEESSSS!"
  • "Wait... is that Communication Breakdown?... I love it!"

Only discovered D.O.A. a few years ago (thanks to the posts of Vancouverite Philip Random on Metafilter), first time listening to the whole album.

Kind of fun then finally watching some old Vancouver-shot Stephen J. Cannell shows on free streaming, and seeing Wiseguy's Ken Wahl standing in a phone box making a call with a big old D.O.A. poster right by his head.

Maybe time for a drinking game: drink every time you see a D.O.A. or nomeansno poster, flyer or sticker in a Stephen J. Cannell show. (Resulting in Dutch courage to finally smash the state?)

[–] [email protected] -1 points 12 hours ago

Please don't mock her personal tragedeigh.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 12 hours ago

On a bright note, leopards' CITES conservation status has been upgraded from VU (vulnerable) to LC (Least Concern).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 12 hours ago

More typical unnecessary gubbmint regulation keeping down the laser pointer industry!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 12 hours ago

We already saw the cognitive dissonance of people gurgling the last words "COVID's a liberal hoax" as they drowned to death on their own bodily fluids filling their lungs. Literally no amount of reality can sway people who just won't accept it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 12 hours ago

"Personally, I'da gone with Tabasco, but if they prefer to sprinkle Sriracha on my face before digging in, I have to respect their decision."

[–] [email protected] 7 points 12 hours ago

"I can respectfully disagree with their exact method of eating my face and still support all their goals... of eating my face."


Using Linux Mint 22.1 Xfce. cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/40243032

New to Lemmy.

And new to workspaces. I'd get confused at first which workspace I was on.

Different backgrounds helped a bit, but I'm almost always in maximized windows.

I wanted to have different colours for windows, panel etc but couldn't.

So I adjusted panel opacity to 95% on Enter, 75% on Leave. That allows the background colour to bleed through.

A user on the Linux Mint forums suggested adjusting workspace margins to let the background show even when windows are maximized.

So now I have an 8-pixel strip of desktop showing just above the panel. Combined with the lowered panel opacity, I never have to wondr anymore what workspace I'm on.

  • Workspace [1/2/3] with windows minimized.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Leave" opacity of 95%.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Enter" opacity of 75%.

(I read somewhere that it's better to host images for Lemmy on Pixelfed. So I made my first post there with all the screenshots, and linked to it. Hope that works.)

PS: Anyone have any other ideas to help distinguish workspaces at a glance?


On the database website, I didn't see any alternatives to GitHub, or even a category for that I could submit to.

"Software development, collaboration & hosting"?

Here are some:

Alternative to... lots of stuff: GitHub, Google, Gmail, Google Docs, Discord, Skype, Reddit, Twitter etc

  • Disroot (Netherlands, non-profit)

Alternative to Microsoft VS Studio Marketplace (extensions for VS Studio IDE)

Open source alternative to Microsoft VS Studio IDE, with Microsoft telemetry removed

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/xfce

New to Lemmy.

And new to workspaces. I'd get confused at first which workspace I was on.

Different backgrounds helped a bit, but I'm almost always in maximized windows.

I wanted to have different colours for windows, panel etc but couldn't.

So I adjusted panel opacity to 95% on Enter, 75% on Leave. That allows the background colour to bleed through.

A user on the Linux Mint forums suggested adjusting workspace margins to let the background show even when windows are maximized.

So now I have an 8-pixel strip of desktop showing just above the panel. Combined with the lowered panel opacity, I never have to wondr anymore what workspace I'm on.

  • Workspace [1/2/3] with windows minimized.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Leave" opacity of 95%.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Enter" opacity of 75%.

(I read somewhere that it's better to host images for Lemmy on Pixelfed. So I made my first post there with all the screenshots, and linked to it. Hope that works.)

PS: Anyone have any other ideas to help distinguish workspaces at a glance?

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