I love you ๐
Whoa! Kids don't care about legal documents but happy guardians? I'm shocked!
No but seriously, the sampling is terrible.
Our study involved surveys, interviews and observations with 41 heterosexual and LGBTQ+ parents from 23 elective co-parent families in the UK, the US and Europe.
Yeah no shit there's no difference between families in affluent countries. Try sampling in Asia or Africa or first generation immigrants. The kids would get bullied & taunted so badly they'd resent their unmarried parents. The societal outlook on an unmarried couple & children having pride in their family units is a major determinant a child's happiness.
Regardless of the original message, reposting a screenshot with "yup" is a shitty tweet & Musk behavior.
This is even better news for electrification of public transit & commercial vehicles! One of the chief arguments for delaying electrification of buses & taxis is the battery age question. If you can't drive it much beyond the break even point compared to ICE vehicles, there's little incentive to convert now. If you could get 40% more life than advertised, that's a game changer!
Its not just them, it's all Japanese manufacturers. Honda, Toyota, Suzuki (in India), etc. are sticking to IC for far too long. This keeps the door open for Chinese companies to take lead.
Motorinc had a great discussion on the subject. Although they're talking about India, its pretty similar across the world: their management is far too structured with the "system" doing the long term thinking, instead of inspiring visionaries.
This is amazing! I wish there was something akin to Lemmy Gold! Lemmy give it to ya!
EDIT I've posted this comment to bestoflemmy
I'd love if it were Linux but its probably macs, mostly due to their superior battery life (compared to Windows).
Anecdotally my parents bit the bullet switched to Macs after using Windows 11 and all its unnecessary changes from 10. It was death by a thoudand cuts for them, where simple processes like search and printers are radically different than before. If they gotta learn a new system, might as well learn something that works.
As an aside knowing most companies working in embedded technologies usually work in, or have strong aspects in Linux. Why then are Linux drivers so difficult to come by? Lack of customers seems unlikely since they mostly have everything ready, right? Or is it cost cutting to avoid lengthy QA on another platform? That would be easy to sidestep by giving a no-warranty driver version?
- Fear & Lo-ho-ho-ho-athing in Vegas.
- Deck the Hallpass
- Joy to the World War Z
- The Snowman (don't even need to change anything)
Die Hearth?
The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre