
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is an important point that should always be asked in this discourse. I mean the critique of casting is certainly valid and in this case the actual meme itself is more about pointing towards the actual racists, but still, being upset for a minority without listening to the actual minority isn't really a good look either.

The reasoning behind the Tilda Swinton one has already been mentioned here, but for example in the Johnny Depp one they apparently even had a Comanche Nation adviser to make sure the representation was done well. That doesn't necessarily make it okay, but why isn't that ever even mentioned in this discourse? I would argue it's still different to do stuff out of ignorance or malice, than just kinda fumble and make bad choices while trying to put in some effort.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh don't even get me started about french philosophers - philosophy in general is very guilty of this, but french are absolutely the worst. Entire books of complete jargon where the point seems to be to sound as fancy as possible without as little content as possible

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago

I wish I could eat like this - not only for the cost effectiveness, but it'd be better for the environment than meat! Having IBD really sucks. I can only imagine how difficult it is in the US where the medical care is so expensive on top of everything else.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I wonder if the frozen-ness is actually good for them or not

The frozen stuff can be better for their teeth at least. If they have to chew and work more to eat it, that cleans the teeth better than just wet floppy meats.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago

Good grade dogfood is nothing like burgers and ice cream though. There's not enough information of the diet OP uses so no comment on that, but it is easier to make dogs sick by feeding them only pure meat than with just kibble. Obviously don't buy the cheapest processed shitty dog food, but please also do consult a vet and do some research before trying to feed a raw diet as well. Wetfoods and kibble tend to have the vitamins and fibers and all that added, but feeding a raw those need to be considered more.

And lapphunds 100% don't need fancy meats any more than other breeds - nekin on tosiaan vaan koiria eikä mitään ihmeen taikaolentoja.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago


Well... it actually is a theory. Like, all modern dogs love to eat human shit, so there's been some evolutionary theories about how wolves/dogs of old have eaten human shit as an easy meal and thus part of their diets, and that might have aided in domestication and all that.

And now that I've already started to discuss dogs eating shit: My personal theory is, that rural dogs in India have human shit as a major source of their nutrition, since the sanitary conditions in many rural areas there are shitting in the bushes, and there's a lot of village dogs...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Todennäköisesti tyypillä on puhjennut skitsofrenia, vaikka faktat ei olekaan tiedossa eli arvailuksi jää. Mutta oikeaa ikähaarukkaa, lähipiiri ilmeisesti huomannut että käytös alkanut muuttua oudoksi, ja siihen päälle sitten noita ihmeen hörhöuskovaiskuvitelmia (huuteli jotain sekavaa poliisin kiinniottaessakin jne.). Aika klassinen skitsofrenian puhkeamisprofiili, toki poislukien että onnistui aiheuttamaan noin paljon vaaraa ulkopuolisillekin.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Miksi näitä elokapinoitsijoita muuten vihataan niin paljon? Ymmärrän kyllä asiallisen kriitiikin aktivismia kohtaan, mutta nämä on kuitenkin ollut ainakin täällä kotimaassa korkeintaan ärsyttäviä näissä tempauksissaan, eikä mielestäni ansainneet sen mittasuhteen vihaa, minkä etenkin netissä tuntuvat saavan osakseen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Harrastusfoorumin kautta tutustuttiin netissä, melkein 20 vuotta sitten. Pitkään oltiin vaan hyviä kavereita, mutta jossain kohtaa sitten muuttui seurusteluksi. Nyt on asuttukin yhdessä jo aika monta vuotta.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Edit: paitsi että osa lopetti Redditin käytön kokonaan, eikä heidän mielipiteensä tule ko. langassa esille.

Itse kuulun tähän porukkaan. Kun reddit aloitti nuo paskantamiset niin poistin vaan tunnukset ja kirjanmerkit, ja lähdin lätkimään. Olen aiemminkin hylännyt sivustoja sitä mukaa kun ne paskoontuvat eri syistä, joten reddit on vaan yksi muiden joukossa, jossa ei ole mitään korvaamatonta.

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