This is beautiful. I have an old Hitchhikers's Guide omnibus edition with gold lettering that this reminds me of. I should give the whole series another read. Thanks for posting this.
Haha, is that from YouTube? I tried screenshotting the one from the official Trek YouTube account, but it looked like it was just upscaled and smoothed and was kinda meh. Thanks for trying though!
First thing that came to mind: "Space vape!!"
Original file if anyone wants it. Sorry for the low res, I couldn't find a better version online and didn't feel like digging up the episode to make my own screen capture.
And this one. This one speaks to me too.
Obligatory "Janeway is my spirit animal" remark lol
As someone who has never been a "morning person", this gif really speaks to me.
It is like that! Hah it has been well over a decade for me, but I do remember it gets worse. There's thi.... ugh, balls nasty tree bark flavor that gets more intense and leaves an throaty aftertaste that even Jameson couldn't flush away. Some people claim to like the taste of Malort, but I think they're just dead inside.
If you're ever in Chicago, order a shot of Malort. It goes down exactly like that.
Ahahahahaha what have you done? All these gifs are amazing
Agreed 100%! A good stout must be eaten!
Yep, she has a skin condition. I didn't know this, so I looked it up. I guess it's not super common knowledge, but she has discussed it before.