
joined 1 year ago
[–] kaxora 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


1957 Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence

(Quick review: An amazing overview of the values of continence that begins with dozens upon dozens of doctors and scientists agreements on the topic. Coupled with all the other data, the conclusions are quite clear, but that typa a guy who always goes "whos gonna read this?" is the same typa guy who will say "where's the science bro? Where's the science?" Certainly not in the news.)

"When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches. (...)

I discovered, from the analysis of over 25,000 people, that men who succeed in an outstanding way, seldom do so before the age of forty, and more often they do not strike their real pace until they are well beyond the age of fifty. This fact was so astounding that it prompted me to go into the study of its cause most carefully, carrying the investigation over a period of more than twelve years.

This study disclosed the fact that the major reason why the majority of men who succeed do not begin to do so before the age of forty to fifty, is their tendency to DISSIPATE their energies through over indulgence in physical expression of the emotion of sex. The majority of men never learn that the urge of sex has other possibilities, which far transcend in importance, that of mere physical expression. The majority of those who make this discovery, do so after having wasted many years at a period when the sex energy is at its height, prior to the age of forty-five to fifty. This usually is followed by noteworthy achievement."

1937 Think And Grow Rich

(Quick review: This book that inspired so many people and led them to success has a chapter dealing with sex transmutation and/or using the urge for sex in a creative endeavour. The book mentions the obvious but also ties into the more "mystical" aspects of reality: the sixth sense and luck)

"Many people have told – and I also believe it – that I am full of energy and enthusiasm, and that I am by no means weak in mind; some even accuse me of strength bordering on obstinacy. Nevertheless there is still bodily and mental ill-health as a legacy of the past. And yet when compared with my friends, I may call myself healthy and strong. If even after twenty years of sensual enjoyment, I have been able to reach this state, how much better off should I have been if I had kept myself pure during those twenty years as well? It is my full conviction, that if only I had lived a life of unbroken Brahmacharya all through, my energy and enthusiasm would have been thousandfold greater and I should have been able to devote them all to the furtherance of my country’s cause as my own. If an imperfect Brahmachari like myself can reap such benefit, how much more wonderful must be the gain in power – physical, mental, as well as moral – that unbroken Brahmacharya can bring to us. (...)

Selected writings of Mahatma Gandhi

(Quick review: In this book, Gandhi mentions his Brahmacharya and the immense benefits it provided him that were recognized by those around him. Though he was not a muscular, big man, he nevertheless showed immense strength and endurance, courage and charisma)

[–] kaxora 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


1934 Practice of Brahmacharya by Swami Sivananda

(Quick review: Swami Sivananda, a self realized saint who healed hundreds and authored over 200 books wrote this overview of the practice and vast benefits of true Brahmacharya. The book goes into many benefits and observes all topics of sexuality, traps of the mind, problems of the body and Sivananda's vision and advice to youngsters)

"continence per se can never do harm, but is always beneficial; and that when trouble occurs in an individual not practicing normal sex relations, the fault is not continence but some vicarious means of sex expression, excessive nocturnal emissions, etc. In view of the richness of the semen in lecithin, [1] cholesterol, phosphorus and other constituents of nervous and brain tissue it is clear that it is incontinence, or loss of these valuable nerve-nourishing substances which, by promoting undernutrition, is responsible for disturbed functioning of the nervous system and brain, and never true continence, contrary to the unscientific views of the psychoanalysts. (...)

4. Observations of the immediate effects of the sexual orgasm indicate that it temporarily exhausts the nervous system, and when repeated too frequently leads to chronic nerve-weakness (sexual neurasthenia).

5. Continence is beneficial to the brain (for conserved lecithin from retained semen is a true brain food). Hence some of the greatest intellectual geniuses in ancient and modern times led continent lives. These include Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Herbert Spencer, etc.

6. Recent physiological evidence, pointing to the fact that the seminal fluid contains substances of great physiological value (such as Poehl's Spermine, which is a nerve-stimulant, lecithin, cholesterin, vitamin E, male sex hormones, etc.) supports the idea that continence is beneficial to health, as do the experiments of Prof. Brown-Sequard on the vitalizing effects of testicular extracts and those of Prof. Steinach on the rejuvenation that follows the enforced conservation of semen through ligature of the efferent testicular duct.

7. Leading physiologists, urologists, genito-urinary specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists endorse the physiological value of continence.


Among such authorities are Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others. Dr. Jacobson sent two hundred letters to professors of physiology, hygiene, venereal diseases, nervous diseases, neurology and psychiatry, inquiring as to their opinions concerning continence. All answers with few exceptions declared continence to be conductive to health.

Dr. Bernard S. Talmey, an eminent American gynecologist and authority on sex, expresses a similar opinion, and states that in the absence of sexually exciting stimuli, the semen and spermatozoa are produced in smaller amounts and are completely resorbed through the seminal vesicles, so that continence becomes easy and natural; the conservation of this vital fluid, he claims, is necessary for the attainment of the greatest vigor of body and brain (...)

Young bulls frequently faint away after the first connection with a cow, and it is very common to observe a young bull so exhausted that he sneaks off to a quiet corner and lies down for a couple of hours. Fainting, however, does not occur in dogs, for the dog's connection is prolonged and thus shock is avoided; also the dog has no seminal vesicles. In the case of the boar, the orgasm rises to such a pitch that the animal seems on the verge of pain, and is usually exhausted for several hours. (...)

Our insane asylums are now overfilled with the victims of thoughtless sexual indulgence which has withdrawn valuable nutrients from the brain and disordered its functioning. These pitiful individuals, when in possession of their normal brain-structure, never realized that with each discharge of seminal fluid, they are pouring forth the very substance of their nerves and brain, until a time is reached when their brain is so sapped of lecithin that it ceases to function. Measurements have shown an actual decrease in the lecithin content of the brains of the insane. (...)

Animals, like men, become perverted sexually and victims of an exaggerated sexual urge when they are subjected to artificial feeding and confinement. Thus apes, when confined to a cage and fed on meat and other sexually stimulating food, while previously gentle and tame on a fruit diet, become extremely licentious and vicious. Then they masturbate excessively and have intercourse daily, while the female consequently menstruates as freely as a woman. (…)

came across a child of nine who had three testicles and whose intelligence was far above that which is considered normal at its age. The parents, alarmed by the unusual characteristics of the child, had the extra testicle removed. Some months later the child's intellectual development underwent a regression, which brought it down to the mental level corresponding to its age. (...)

and when the concentration of brain lecithin is sufficiently lowered, insanity is the result. Sexual excess produces a similar effect; and, together with alcohol, constitutes a principal cause of neuropsychopathic conditions. (...)

There is evidence that spermatozoa, when not discharged, are resorbed into the blood-stream and carried to the brain. Both in their chemical composition and their elongated form, they have a remarkable similarity to brain-cells, which, like them, lack the capacity of reproduction, in contrast to most other cells of the body which have this capacity. The seminal fluid is distributed in all the nerves of the body; it seems to be of the same nature. (...)

"The loss of concentration of lecithin and phosphates becomes a serious drain on the nervous system. Lecithin and phosphates are the principal components in the structure of the brain."

[–] kaxora 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


1860 Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality by Lu Kuan Yu

(Quick review: This presentation is a translation of The Secrets of Cultivation of Essential Nature and Eternal Life, written by the Taoist master Chao Pi Chen (born 1860) and containing a comprehensive exposition of Taoist yoga with instructions by the ancients which can be studied and practiced by modern students. Will you reach immortality? What do they actually mean by it? Go and find out!)

1874 Everyone's own physician

(Quick review: This short book mentions all the same problems, symptoms and solutions. It's almost as if everyone on the planet knew this but then came the age of slav- geniuses.)

“According to Yogic science, semen exists in a subtle form throughout the whole body. It is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. It is withdrawn and elaborated into a gross form in the sexual organ under the influence of the sexual will and sexual excitement. An Oordhvareta Yogi not only converts the semen into Ojas, but checks through his Yogic power, through purity in thought, word and deed, the very formation of semen by the secretary cells of the testes or seeds. This is a great secret.”

The most devitalising and demoralizing of pleasures is the sex pleasure. Sensual enjoyment is attended with various defects. It is attended with various sorts of sins, pains, weaknesses, attachments, slave mentality, weak will, severe exertion and struggle, craving and mental restlessness. Worldly persons never come to their proper senses although they get severe knocks, kicks and blows from different corners. The strolling street dog never stops from visiting the houses even though it is pelted with stones every time.

Eminent doctors of the West say that various kinds of diseases arise from the loss of semen, particularly in young age. There appear boils on the body, acne or eruptions on the face, blue lines around the eyes, absence of beard, sunken eyes, pale face with anaemia, loss of memory, loss of eye-sight, shortsightedness, discharge of semen along with urine, enlargement of the testes, pain in the testes, debility, drowsiness, laziness, gloominess, palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea or difficulty in breathing, phthisis, pain in the back, loins, head and joints, weak kidneys, passing urine in sleep, fickle-mindedness, lack of thinking power, bad dreams, wet dreams and restlessness of mind.

[–] kaxora 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


Bliss of the Celibate, Julian Lee

(Quick review: a short book but considered a Bible among celibates or semen retainers. Julian Lee, much like the Hindu saint Ramakrishna, sees the truth in all scriptures and goes deep into why the very nature of reality around you and indeed the world changes and would change if and when celibacy is adopted. The book is focused on the metaphysical and the cosmic, not the material, so if you are in for just studies and observations of the physical, might not be a book for you)

“This precious gift, so full of happiness if preserved in its natural purity and power, is one of the first means of promoting health of body and cheerfulness of mind; but if basely perverted, or destroyed, becomes a source of torture, misery, lingering disease, insanity and death. The perverse genius of man, misguided by sensuality, has in all ages been led to the most pernicious abuses of the sexual appetite, and to the most revolting refinement of sexual lust. These sexual excesses undermine health, shorten life, destroy the happiness of families, incapacitate the male from the noble office of procreating offspring, and deprive woman of her holy mission of bearing children.(…)

The nervous derangement in the female soon leads to a derangement of the digestive system. The patients grow thin. All sorts of spasmodic symptoms develope themselves, such as spasms, cardialga, chorea, epilepsy, catalepsy, convulsions, etc. All the former charms of the young woman leave her; her face looks sallow and thin; the skin is rough, dry, cracked, covered with freckles and pimples; the eyes look dim, the lips are pale and bluish, the teeth decay. A copious mucus is discharged from the vagina, corroding the thighs, groins, and perineum, and causing a most distressing hysteria. The internal organs become diseased; indurations and cancer of the womb develop themselves; and the patients either die of some such disease, or else pine away from debility.(…)

The most distinguished philosophers have ever looked upon the semen as the most precious secretion of the blood, having a striking similarity to the matter of the brain and nervous system, and have cautioned mankind, seriously and earnestly, against the waste of this fluid, as something fearfully ruinous to the mind as well as the body.(…)

Excessive use of tea and coffee likewise causes seminal losses. It is true that both tea and coffee act powerfully upon the kidneys, but their injurious effect upon the sexual organs is not yet proven, although a number of persons who were afflicted with seminal losses, have said that their trouble became much worse after the use of Tea and Coffee.(…)

In females this disease, if fully developed, presents a group of the most repulsive phenomena. Such patients sometimes lose all sense of shame, expose their persons, utter the vilest and most obscene speeches, and often resort to the most horrible means of self-gratification. (Boy if they saw us)

Many of these young men, notwithstanding their departure from correct morals in the original offence, might, if properly treated or advised, have escaped disease, and lived to form honourable connections in society, and to become good citizens and worthy men.

1856 George R. Calhoun Report of the Consulting Surgeon on Spermatorrhoea

(Quick review: This short report by a surgeon back in 1855 goes into great detail of the disease of masturbation as well as it’s consequences. It is clear that this was common knowledge by everyone but also the extent of ruined lives is clearly emphasized. The report is jam packed with info.)

[–] kaxora 2 points 1 year ago

I'm thinking of doing the same, just waiting on the data download request to go through. I wish I could delete it immediately though..

Same though, I feel this has given me the push I needed to quit Reddit entirely. I'd gotten control over pretty much all other social media so I honestly appreciate this in a way.

[–] kaxora 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks for creating! I'm shifting over to Lemmy as a result of the recent Reddit leadership issues. It's good to get off Reddit anyway as it's easy to waste time there. Good to have a backup spot besides Gangnam Style lol. Hoping this community grows further!

[–] kaxora 13 points 1 year ago

I like it this way much more. I never felt comfortable commenting on Reddit, but something about this basic, forum style makes me feel actually comfortable contributing to the conversation. It's a new feeling but really nice! I'm thinking this will help me quit Reddit and spend less time on screens as well. I'm having a hard time figuring out instances etc and how to connect to them, I'm mostly just using this instance and its communities for now. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually

[–] kaxora 2 points 1 year ago

I see! I have heard of Soto Zen a bit. I agree that trying to practice in every moment is probably the best approach, and it's way more difficult than it sounds. It's easy to just go into autopilot and not be aware of whatever you're doing.

Yes, I think even a couple of minutes of meditation a day is a good start! Thanks for your reply!

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