Yeah, it's interesting to see history repeat itself in my lifetime. Everyone seems to be OK with people going after the other - but what happens when they come after you?
Latinos I know, even some illegals, support Trump. Why? Because in their mind, when Trump says "they're bringing over the murderers, the rapists" he's obviously not referring to them. it's the other immigrants.
when he says "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country" it's the other immigrants
when he says "they're eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there" he obviously means those barbaric other immigrants
this type of "I'm with him and he is not talking about me" seeps into other areas too
I saw a long facebook post on reddit the other day. it was a veteran explaining that his wife had recently got a job at a VA hospital. that she was set to start in 2 weeks and they just moved states for her to start the job. that he was a disabled vet that has supported Trump since day 1.
but Trump, true to his word, froze all hiring for all "non-essential" government departments. that, coincidentally, includes his wife's new position. she was told her job was no longer available.
in his post, he said "Trump, I know this is an oversight. I know when you said you were going to cut all government hiring, you didn't mean this one, you meant the others"
it's honestly fascinating. People want desperately to be inside of the "in group" that they'll play mental gymnastics and enthusiastically support policies directly harmful to themselves
like you said, eventually you will get burned. it doesn't matter who you are. fascism will hurt us all, even the blond blue eyes wunderkind
i have a terminal emulator app that i use to connect to some of my vps's whenever there's some issue i need to resolve and i'm not at home. although it's quite a painful experience. i'm impressed at anybody who uses a phone to do anything substantial.
i remember there was some kid on probation for hacking who used a kindle fire stick to do some cool stuff. you can do really anything you want if you have the creativity and vision