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[–] kava 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

i have a terminal emulator app that i use to connect to some of my vps's whenever there's some issue i need to resolve and i'm not at home. although it's quite a painful experience. i'm impressed at anybody who uses a phone to do anything substantial.

i remember there was some kid on probation for hacking who used a kindle fire stick to do some cool stuff. you can do really anything you want if you have the creativity and vision

[–] kava 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah, it's interesting to see history repeat itself in my lifetime. Everyone seems to be OK with people going after the other - but what happens when they come after you?

Latinos I know, even some illegals, support Trump. Why? Because in their mind, when Trump says "they're bringing over the murderers, the rapists" he's obviously not referring to them. it's the other immigrants.

when he says "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country" it's the other immigrants

when he says "they're eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there" he obviously means those barbaric other immigrants

this type of "I'm with him and he is not talking about me" seeps into other areas too

I saw a long facebook post on reddit the other day. it was a veteran explaining that his wife had recently got a job at a VA hospital. that she was set to start in 2 weeks and they just moved states for her to start the job. that he was a disabled vet that has supported Trump since day 1.

but Trump, true to his word, froze all hiring for all "non-essential" government departments. that, coincidentally, includes his wife's new position. she was told her job was no longer available.

in his post, he said "Trump, I know this is an oversight. I know when you said you were going to cut all government hiring, you didn't mean this one, you meant the others"

it's honestly fascinating. People want desperately to be inside of the "in group" that they'll play mental gymnastics and enthusiastically support policies directly harmful to themselves

like you said, eventually you will get burned. it doesn't matter who you are. fascism will hurt us all, even the blond blue eyes wunderkind

[–] kava 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

However there still is some information, where Twitter is a good source.

I agree. There are some great OSINT posters that share all sorts of information you won't find anywhere else. For example when Israel struck back at Iran after the initial wave of missiles and drones- it was a guy on twitter who geolocated and found the satellite images of what they hit.

And that information directly contradicted the Israeli official narrative. You won't find it on NY Times. You won't find it on Washington Post. Hell, you'd have a hard time finding it here or on reddit. That's just one example, there's a wealth of live data about Russia v Ukraine as well. One thing I've really learned the last 3 years since 2022 is that the mainstream media will completely lie to you. It isn't just bias, it's outright lying. So people online who are dedicated to the truth and provide receipts, I find, is a breath of fresh air. It allows humans without privileged information to go online and actually see with their own eyes what is happening on the ground. It's something that frankly hasn't been the case for any time in human history. Although I think it's going to be a short window of time that will be true.

I think Twitter has progressively been becoming more censored. For now, most people are more or less ignored if you aren't talking about the hot topics- but I think very soon anything against official US narrative will be banned. Same thing with Facebook, Tiktok, etc.

We're seeing the social media sites align themselves with the US government in preparation for the next global war. The first thing to go in war is the truth. Soon there will be a giant firewall and we won't be able to see content from overseas. Initially people will be able to use VPNs and other methods and then eventually that will be met with criminal charges.

[–] kava 16 points 1 month ago

Look, I'm all for freedom of speech. I'm nearly as close to an absolutist as they come.

This is an example of a protest. Nobody is restricting anybody's speech. They aren't banning Musk-supporters. They aren't censoring Trumpers. They are specifically banning links to a website owned by a billionaire who did a Nazi salute at an event where hundreds of millions if not billions of people would witness him.

[–] kava 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I think in a time like that I couldn’t be silent.

Honestly, nobody really knows until they are in such a position. I'd like to think I'd be noble and rebel but honestly I think I'd just try and stay quiet and under the radar. The older I've gotten, the more cynical I've become about positive change.

I'm more worried with making sure me and my family are in a good position. And if I start posting dissent online and end up in a gulag or just get dissapeared for it.. it's not quite conducive to that goal.

[–] kava 1 points 1 month ago

The majority of Trump’s supporters are making a choice.

I don't think so. I think people like Elon musk are making a conscious and deliberate choice to embrace fascism. He understands exactly what he's doing and is voluntarily taking steps towards it.

Most Trump supporters are just the Cubans in my previous example. Ignorant and afraid.

[–] kava 21 points 1 month ago

I’d never think that, of all places, American democracy would be the most volatile

Ignore the political system and look at the economic system. The US is capitalist and as it turns out- capitalism is not mutually exclusive with fascism.

If a human being lives long enough, he will eventually develop cancer. It's simply a natural physical consequence of repeated cell division. Eventually there's some mutation that leads to a chain reaction. The cancer spreads enough and there's no going back. Capitalism, similarly, will always inevitably embrace fascism.

Marx got it wrong. He believed that the workers, realizing their position as class consciousness increases, would inevitably revolt against the power structure. The reality is more depressing.

Capitalism has cycles of crisis. Sometimes the economy is doing good which leaves the workers content. Sometimes the economy is doing bad. The problem is when the economy is doing bad coincides with some other set of crisis, the combination of events radicalizes the workers. This part Marx predicted. However he was mistaken about human nature.

Really, our problem started back in 2008. The global economy never fully recovered. Interest rates were kept low in a desperate attempt to increase spending to keep the boat from tipping. Then COVID pumped up inflation to historic levels- supply chain shortages wrecked chaos. After that, the Russian invasion of Ukraine pushed up inflation even higher. Prices go up but wages lag behind.

Workers, naturally, become more radicalized- as Marx predicted. The issue is Marx was too optimistic about human nature. Humans as a whole are fearful herd animals. They need a shepherd to point somewhere. And eventually, inevitably, some megalomaniac with a vision will take advantage of a vulnerable system and point somewhere. In the 1930s it was to the Jews and the communists. Today, it's the illegals and "wokeism".

All this to say that this shouldn't be surprising. Left wing voices have been warning about this for a long time.

[–] kava 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

If you were born in southern Florida to a set of Cuban parents and told your entire life that communism was the devil and that Trump is the savior against the communist DNC, you'd believe the same thing.

Doesn't matter if you have the whole of human knowledge accessible to you. The human brain is very good at filtering out things you don't want to see.

[–] kava 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This idiot seems to be oblivious to the fact that there is no official language in the US

It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. "Small government and low taxes" but when you want to triple the size of ICE and institute historic tariffs (aka taxes) it's OK. "Party of law and order" but when you don't let asylum seekers into the country- overtly breaking US law, it's OK. "The constitution is sacred" but when you sign an executive order that explicitly contradicts the 14th amendment- it's OK.

Nothing matters. There is no consistency whatsoever. There doesn't need to be. The more disjointed, the better. You make people so disoriented that they'll accept anything.

[–] kava 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The ADL is likely giving a calculated response because of what happened last time Nazis took over a western country

Israel is far-right. Far-right actors will align itself with other far-right actors. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone that the militaristic society who actively perpetuates the worst apartheid in living memory would naturally align itself with the far-right.

The next fascism will not be anti-Jew. That's all ADL cares about

[–] kava 20 points 1 month ago

he wouldn't be my first choice, or even my 2nd, 3rd, etc. but apparently the American voters appreciate billionaires

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