
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 52 minutes ago

I tried staring at a lightbulb, no effect. Never heard of this before. Maybe your local population shares some weird gene.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

volume is 4/3πr^3^

I'm not going suffer my phone keyboard further for zuccs balls.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Guess this a good example of what I don't want to affect. IMO the examples for controversal in this thread range between acceptable and amazing.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Fuck homogenized UI design

I agree with the opinion, I like diversity, but disagree on what counts. It's a spectrum, and this is at the lighter end. I'm hoping to make the suggestions as loose as possible, just enough to avoid stuff like the first example.

Let devs do whatever they fuck they want.

The point is not to force anyone to do anything, not that they even could be forced. The point is to get people to pay attention to what others are doing instead of unintentionally reinventing the wheel. No hard rules.

Pick the app you want and then learn its icons.

There's no "the" app. For example, I don't like photon as much on my phone, and I very much don't like voyager on desktop. Relearning how to read icons when switching apps can also suck.

But anyway, I'll keep this in mind. If the reception becomes mostly negative, I'll shut up about this.


Hi, I tried a new Lemmy app yesterday. I was already kind of annoyed by different sort icons when using Photon and Voyager, but something snapped when I opened the menu in Interstellar. The third meaning of this arrow was too much.

Voyager Photon Interstellar

Here's a table of all sort icons:

Some of these differences I'm okay with, like controversial sort, but others not so much. Especially when the same icon is used for different things. The symbols become useless if the meaning is different in every ui. I guess because Lemmy-UI doesn't use icons for sorting, other devs just picked something in isolation.

So, my solution is to build a reference icon set that apps / frontends would loosely follow. This could then be added to Lemmy documentation. Any thoughts?

My ideas so far:

  • Hot: fire
  • Controversial: Anything negative or conflict
  • New: leaf, sprout
  • Old: clock, hourglass
  • Scaled: I don't like the scale icon, but it's still better than random.
  • Most comments: Multiple speech bubbles?
  • New comments: Single speech bubble? I like the unread dot in interstellar.
  • Top: trophy, medal, podium
  • Avoid: star (reserve for favorites)

This post was kinda lemmy-specific, but I'm posting to the generic /c/fediverse since other platforms could have similar issues, and extra perspectives don't hurt.


[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

I'll have a look at the code and issues to get a feel of what I'm getting into, and then see what I'm able to work on

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 days ago (2 children)

First thing I notice while trying this app is that these icons should really be standardized:

Interstellar Photon Voyager

Anyway, the app seems cool. I've used flutter just a tiny bit, so maybe I can help a little.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Lokerokoodit se on mullakin ollu tähän asti. Tässä varmaan kokeillaan kepillä, kuinka paljon asiakas suostuu ottamaan mukisematta.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Menin tilaamaan kirjan. Matkahuolto toimittikin paketin valitun kaupan kassan sijasta vähän matkan päässä sijaitsevaan automaattiin. No, mikäs siinä, ei matka paljoo kasva. Automaatin edessä tarkastelen tekstiviestiä vähän tarkemmin. Ei lokerokoodia, pelkkä käsky asentaa joku appi puhelimeen. No en asenna. Tarkastan sähköpostin, sama sisältö. Matkahuoltolaiset meni näköjään keksimään takuuvarman keinon kasvattaa käyttäjämäärää: asenna appi tai paketti jää saamatta. Perkele.

Panttivankitilanteen pakottamana asennan Matkahuolto Paketit-sovelluksen. Eijjumalauta, appi aukeaa rekisteröitymislomakkeeseen. Vitutus kasvaa odotellessa sähköpostin vahvistuslinkkiä ulkona noin viiden minuutin ajan. Sovellus kaatui kerran, mutta hyväksyttyäni tietojen jakamisen saan paketin ulos. Keskimäärin 1,6 tähden arvosteluissa joku sanoi, että soittamalla maksulliseen palvelunumeroon voi pyytää paketin siirtoa muualle.

Vastoin Matkahuollon mainoslausetta "Ei tehdä tästä pakettisovelluksesta nyt mitään numeroa," aion heittäytyä mahdollisimman vittumaiseksi asian kanssa. Tämmönen bait-and-switch menettely ei kai edes ole laillista.

Edit: Tili poistettu, tein pakettisovelluksesta numeron kuluttaja-asiamiehelle. Pitäiskö vielä varmistaa, että tiedot poistetaan GDPR:n mukaisesti.

HV koko ~~postin~~ matkahuollon väki.