This is the result of a mind that has been fed the myth of "American Exceptionalism" since day one and has never had to suffer the consequences of his actions.
Lol, just like how they finallt got to use their prepper skills when they were asked to stay at home for a few weeks at the start of covid?
Just imagine if instead of millitary service, it was compulsary public service that actually benefitted society. Nursing, construction/infrastructure, farming, teaching/childcare, etc.
Its astrounding how much money is pumped into the military industrial complex when it could be used to fund to many other programs for public good.
But that would be sOciALiSm.
Lol good one
Because the alternative is trying to stay in a dying physical medium (CDs), a nice physical medium (LPs), or accepting piracy.
Streaming was a compromise to allow record labels to sell access to music at a bulk cost so that they can continue to exist.
That's three of our best states
I tell you what, we'll trade you Alberta and Saskatchewan, the BEEF, OIL, AND GAS POWERHOUSES OF CANADA for your libcucked latte sipping west coast states California, Oregon, and Washington.
"We only want convoluted tax breaks that only benefit the wealthiest tier of Canadians, not broad strokes that attempt to help the poorest!"
Literally had a coworker ask in a Narcan training session, with 100% sincerity "Why dont we just let them die? They made their choice, why should we save them?"
Too many people have the inability to imagine themselves in anyone else's shoes but their own.
I wonder if anyone who is in favour of shutting down these sites have ever been to the point of desparation of using intravenous drugs to escape their life for a few fleeting moments.
Do they realize that its not "oh, a safe injection site? Well, I guess now is a good time to start doing smack".
Nearly a fucking year ago. Insane how the death machine just keeps chugging along unabated.
Pretty sure he was criticizing vaccine mandates, not anything of real value.