
joined 2 years ago
[–] justawoman 9 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ausgiebige frühstücken, vielleicht was mit Freunden/Familie machen, abends irgendwo chillig am Rhein sitzen. Realität sieht aber mehr aus, dass ich zu müde von der Woche bin um irgendwas zu machen.

Welcome! (self.girlgamers)
submitted 2 years ago by justawoman to c/girlgamers

Hello everybody!

As Reddit is doing a lot of weird stuff lately and Apollo (and other third party apps) are shutting down, I thought of r/GirlGamers, how I love the community there and how much I’ll miss them.

So I created this community here to create a safe space for girl and queer gamers. It’s often hard to find a place like this on the internet and the gaming community, often male dominated, can be cruel to people who do not present as a white cis-man.

I hope this community will blossom and come alive with your contributions, be it the newest game you played, a picture of a battle station, question regarding a riddle in-game or just searching for someone to play online with.

Be respectful, be nice and have fun.