
joined 2 years ago
[–] jettrscga 29 points 22 hours ago (5 children)

Damn, sorry to hear you lost your girlfriend

[–] jettrscga 109 points 2 days ago (9 children)

This sounds exactly like Amazon's "Just walk out" grocery store concept that actually required remote supervising by workers in India.

[–] jettrscga 18 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Biblically accurate Peppa confirmed.

[–] jettrscga 2 points 5 days ago

It's a fun co-op board game. Would recommend. Lots of miniatures like this picture. But pretty expensive lately from what I've seen.

[–] jettrscga 92 points 5 days ago (17 children)

"Woke". They say woke to somehow try to make inclusion sound like a bad thing.

[–] jettrscga 190 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I love how all the comments insist on discussing the difficulty, despite OP literally pointing it out as bait.

That's good bait.

[–] jettrscga 55 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

You know you've had a privileged life when you start the altercation and then call the police yourself. That's some entitlement.

[–] jettrscga 38 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

When that door is closed, you're forced to stare at yourself on the toilet.

[–] jettrscga 81 points 2 weeks ago (16 children)

They didn't look at that. This is the frustrating truth we have to come to terms with. People are fucking oblivious. They vote for a single issue at most, and don't understand what they signed up for.

[–] jettrscga 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah I'm in the same boat with lengthy scrapped response. We're at a point that's demonstrated there is no solution to arguing with idiots, short of buying media outlets and correcting the narrative globally. People aren't willing to be persuaded by discussion, even with their own families. It's a signal-to-noise issue where the noise is all of the media propaganda that overpowers the signal of real world around them.

Being a gay ambassador isn't going to change any minds when the recipient gets bombarded by hate speech 24/7 on their favorite news outlets. So I think people should just be themselves and society has a responsibility to fix itself.

I know it's not a good answer, I don't think anyone has one or there wouldn't be a global rise in fascism. But it comes off as victim-blaming to put the responsibility on the oppressed, rather than the rest of society to fix it.

[–] jettrscga 44 points 2 weeks ago

Apparently the balance was supposed to be one person with good faith checking one without. Now we see what happens when every dumbass stands on the corrupt side of the balance.


Any websites you like or Youtube reviewers? I prefer reviewers who also check out obscure games and actually point out flaws.

Console gaming mostly since PC has Steam reviews that help out.

I've always used Metacritic since it aggregates reviews, but it seems to have gotten worse for searching and finding top lists lately. There's gotta be better sources nowadays.


Scrolling on gets confusing when new posts are added to the page periodically. I prefer content remaining static until I refresh. Is there a way to configure that?

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