I've played every NMS expedition and while there have always been a problem Communication Stations, it wasn't until this latest expedition that I felt like trolling was getting worse.
On the first day of the expedition, I claimed a spot at the 2nd rendezvous system around some Runaway Mould, built a small base, and uploaded it. I slowly kept adding to the base over time, especially once I completed the expedition. So far I've had at least 8 different people build on top of it, which means I have to report their bases just so I can walk around my own. While I've had some people build close to my base, I have never had anyone literally build on the same spot, much less multiple people.
It stinks that Hello Games isn't doing a better job of making sure bases can't overlap, but it stinks even more that people take advantage of it.
OK, unfortunately it looks like this issue has gone from kind of annoying to game breaking. I can no longer be at my base for long without the game locking up. Maybe it's an unrelated defect and just a coincidence, but maybe not. ๐