
joined 2 years ago
[–] jasparagus 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I think this is absolutely a chance to repost some stuff. I was on Reddit and didn't see it the first time around :)

It looks great! How did you source/prep the slab? I have some Oregon maple from a friend's Alaskan sawmill that's air-dried which I made a coffee table out of, and the remainder of which is going to be a desk soon.

[–] jasparagus 3 points 2 years ago

It slides really nicely without them, and doing it this way made each drawer about 5cm wider, which is a nice space bump. The other one opens quite well when fully loaded with heavy clothes. I hand-planed and waxed the drawer slides, so it's quite smooth. I was a little worried, too, but figured I'd give it a shot.

[–] jasparagus 4 points 2 years ago

Standard birch (not the super fancy stuff). I think B2 grade, 18mm (marketed as "3/4 inch shop birch here in the USA). It's pretty good stuff as far as I can tell, but Baltic birch fanciness would've obviously been nicer... I just couldn't justify the cost.

[–] jasparagus 3 points 2 years ago

Thanks, and lol, that's maybe even a little faster than this timeline if I'm being honest...but we don't speak of these things.

The continuous grain worked out better on #2 than it did on #1.

[–] jasparagus 4 points 2 years ago
[–] jasparagus 5 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Thanks! I'm mostly just relieved to have it built... it only took a few real weekend days of work, but spread out across an embarrassing number of absolute months.

Part of my excuse was "glue won't cure right when the garage is too cold"... but I also just got busy. Oops.

[–] jasparagus 5 points 2 years ago

Thanks! I definitely still feel like a novice, too. It's definitely more about the process and making stuff that's "mine" than getting it perfect. I actually have a few (minor) screwups on this one that I'll always notice, but whatever. It beats Ikea!

Not to actually throw shade at Ikea though... some of their stuff is a great deal haha.

[–] jasparagus 5 points 2 years ago

Here it is from the front:

And here's the "matched" dresser:

[–] jasparagus 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)


We've been doing a pedal-less bike (one of the ones designed for learning) and our son still very much likes to keep his feet firmly planted haha. At least he enjoys it, though (he's 2, so there's a ways to go).

[–] jasparagus 5 points 2 years ago

Wewdads. I was worried for a minute there--I need my wholesome(ish) forum of dads.

[–] jasparagus 7 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I'm running through the beginner's box in Foundry VTT. I picked it up on a Humble Bundle sale, and it's my group's first exposure to the system after 5e. I'm absolutely astonished with how easy the box is to run, how well polished the content is, and how awesome the system is to play and GM in.

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