Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz https://youtu.be/HyHNuVaZJ-k?si=zdhqSgmxOTNKBR9E
Today's empires.... tomorrow's ashes.....
No way, this stuff is excellent. Hard to believe yours is a good faith take when Trump & co spew the most vile commentary that is completely fact free day after day. This is sarcastic, but it's not really an exaggeration. They could go harder, this is still quite professional, I love to see it. Finally the Dems are in the rhetoric race.
Yes. Fearmonger more. You keep up that driving! The rest of us will take advantage of more spare time to read while we cruise smoothly by the cars sitting in traffic. Truly a nightmare.
It wasn't milk
Same rules for communists then?
You know nothing, are not American, and you comment all the time on American politics? Why are you here again?
Shills gotta do the job they're paid for, after all ...
Slippery slope on that one. Do all Nazis deserve punched in the face (and worse)? Yes! Let's not criminalize thoughts or beliefs though, no matter how reprehensible they may be.
IDK where you were riding.... 10 year cycle courier veteran from Boston here with my own anecdotal experience. This could very well be a personal health thing with you. Never had any issues related to the fumes in my throat, or heard of any related issues within the messenger community. If you told me over time that the fumes have a negative impact on healh I'd believe it, but I probably wouldn't listen to a commuter who rode a tiny fraction of the urban cycling I've done personally. I'd be very interested to see a study on long term bike messengers.
Forreal. Somewhere in the Modern Primitives book one of those old heads talks about making people wait a year for a face tattoo. If you're serious enough to come back a year later then it's not just a passing impulse. Good policy. Kinda doubt homegirl waited a year, but it's possible.
We need these all over the place in the U.S. - If the tech works out, problem solved, fewer chemical battery downsides. https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/02/06/this-disused-mine-in-finland-is-being-turned-into-a-gravity-battery-to-store-renewable-ene