
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

dilution is a negative term because it means everyone holding that stock watches as their stock becomes less valuable. It's also completely accurate to describe the share offering as dilution because that's exactly what it did. Trying to present the dilution as a positive thing is desperate hopium by followers of the ryan cohen personality cult.

It's become so well known and now that multiple experts are weighing in and saying it's possible, the SS mods are trying to sweep it under the rug by saying it's an "already known" DD that doesn't need to be rehashed.

Excuse me, but what the fuck?

The SS mods caused so much harm to the ape community over this. They silenced people, they banned people (including me) and thus slowed down the flow of shares going to pure book that could have caused MOASS so much sooner.

Not too long ago platinumsparkles made a nonsense post taking part of a GME earnings call out of context and tried to say heat lamp is dead. I called her out on it, and of course she never retracted her statement or apologized.

If they now acknowledge the fact that heat lamp is valid, they need to unban everyone they banned for posting heat lamp, and apologize for all the harm they caused.

platinumsparkles also needs to step down. She has been the most rabid mod attacking heat lamp and she is personally responsible for causing most of the harm.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Lately I'm thinking we could hit 100% DRS and shitadel would continue to sell GME shares in the name of liquidity.

I think the only way to actually punish the short sellers is a cash dividend. Every quarter that Gamestop earns profit should be a quarter that Gamestop pays out a cash dividend. It can be small, just a portion of those profits. But if Gamestop keeps earning profit and keeps paying out cash dividends, that's the only thing that I think will cause the shorts to close and walk away.

No dividend = shorts roll over. More and more shorts get hidden in swaps and dark pools. The naked shorts just keep piling up by the hundreds of billions and nothing ever makes them close.

The alphabet agencies won't do anything. As far as they're concerned the infinite liquidity created by market makers is completely legal. Congress won't intervene because they're just as crooked as the hedge funds and make huge amounts of money from insider trading and lobbying from many of the institutions who are rigging our market.

Gamestop's executive board is the only group of people on this planet who can trigger the MOASS. They can do it by issuing dividends. Just my 2 cents.


In response to:

Options caused the January 2021 price action on GME. Derivatives are the casino. There is more money in playing options than there is in the underlying stock that those options are being played over.

Infinite liquidity destabilizes the stock market because it breaks the fundamental value that stock has. People should be able to buy up all the shares of a stock, and that should cause the price of that stock to increase in value. But when market makes like shitadel are allowed to sell more of a stock than what was issued by the company in the name of liquidity, the stock market becomes detached from reality and it's impossible for a price discovery to occur.

Retail has done nothing wrong. In fact what we've been doing is noble. Direct registration is putting our money into the real underlying economy. Booked shares are the only thing in the stock market that has real intrinsic value, and for the past 3 years we've been watching as retail DRS's more and more stock, and the value of that stock continually drops. It shouldn't work like this, but it does because our market is heavily manipulated by the so-called "market makers".

This whole time we've been waiting for a short squeeze, which by all rights should happen but isn't because our stock market is completely detached from reality. Infinite liquidity, dark pools, swaps, derivatives are all parts of a casino and market makers are the house rigging everything against you. I would go so far as to even say this is harming our economy. Why is it so hard to start a new business? Why do executives of mega corporations give themselves huge bonuses and pay their workers so little? Why do hedge funds make huge gains but retail investors always lose? Why isn't our market working for everyone?

Because hedge funds turned our stock market into a casino. Do you want to make our stock market work for everyone? Then there needs to be an end to liquidity. Options need to be illegal.


This is in regards to her post:


First I want to point out the last paragraph in Gamestop's response:

The false and misleading statements described above relate to the Proposal's fundamental purpose - that the Company discontinue its DirectStock Plan and choose a new transfer agent

The proposal was to choose a new transfer agent. It wasn't an inquiry about the difference between book and plan. Platinum Sparkles lied and twisted the response into a book versus plan thing.

Secondly I want to point out this paragraph in Gamestop's response:

The FAQ page explains that Computershare holds only "a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency

This is heat lamp, people. Right here Gamestop is pointing to Computershare's FAQ page and verifies that a portion of DSPP (plan) shares are held by the DTCC. They confirm heat lamp with this sentence in their response!

Platinum Sparkles is a liar. She is deliberately misleading investors in order to attack a DD she doesn't like. But the response from Gamestop confirms the heat lamp DD!

Computershare has confirmed that a portion of DSPP shares are held by the DTC.

The SEC has confirmed that a portion of DSPP shares are held by the DTC.

Gamestop has confirmed that a portion of DSPP shares are held by the DTC.

Heat Lamp is the single most confirmed DD. There is no other DD more rock solid than heat lamp. I don't know what to tell you.

No financial advice, but if you haven't terminated plan and are holding all your shares in pure book, you don't actually own all of your shares.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago

Funny how at the same time the OCC is trying to push through a change to margin calls that would prevent bankruptcies (and thus shorts closing), Wall Street is trying to convince us that margin debt is decreasing and there's nothing but continuous gains for the future of our stock market.

A persistent decline in margin debt suggests that a red flag from the meme-stock mania of 2021 is currently non-existent.

If that's the case, then the proposed rule SR-OCC-2024-001 is completely unnecessary and irrelevant. Why would they even propose this if margin debt is so low?

The fact is they hid all the margin debt in dark pools and swaps, and they are bullshitting us. By all rights these banks and hedge funds should have gone bankrupt already, and they are shitting themselves in fear knowing that a day will come when their debts come due.

While they are posting bullshit articles like this to compel us to give up, they crawl on hands and knees to the regulatory agencies and beg for leniency. That's what SR-OCC-2024-001 is. It's a pathetic cry for help from a self-entitled baby who doesn't want his pretty little ass spanked by daddy.

I agree OP. Don't bow. They lie and lie and lie, and while it is frustrating that they can seemingly refuse to pay their debts indefinitely, they are not all-powerful and the only thing we need to do to win this is hold.

He missed a cash dividend.

It's odd to me every time a dividend comes up I see people against it, or they want a NFT dividend like the DTCC can't BS their way through that. I don't think a NFT dividend would work. It was tried once when Overstock was shorted and it flopped.

Cash is king and there is no substitute for cash in the market. They can't pay out monopoly money or IOU's when a cash dividend happens. If Gamestop hands the DTCC X amount of dollars and says this is for a $1 dividend to each shareholder, the shorts are fucked. They have to pay the full amount of the dividend to every shareholder who bought a naked short and they have to pay out of pocket.

Apparently RC can invest Gamestop funds in stocks now, and I saw a great suggestion that Gamestop should invest in dividend stocks and then issue a "pass through dividend" to shareholders when those stocks issue dividends. So say Gamestop invests in Coca Cola - when Coke issues a dividend, Gamestop would simply pass that cash onto GME shareholders as a dividend. So we get a cash dividend, paid for by Coke.

And every time that happens, the shorts have to pay the difference. All the naked shorts they've issued over the past 3+ years also get the dividend.

This is how we blow up the Ponzi scheme.

Every time they short sell more, they get more money. How do we use the naked shorts against them? A cash dividend.

It's the killing blow and that's why every time it comes up, people are against it. Think of it as a litmus test. Who is part of a fifth column and actually working against us?


I saw this deleted at Superstonk. If they are trying to silence it, then it must be good.

I wonder how many GME shorts are hidden in these swaps???

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Also if you're looking for a good email provider, Hushmail is a privacy-oriented email that can encrypt emails for safekeeping. They are hosted in Canada, and they also allow you to create email aliases (fake emails) that you can use for specific purposes and messages to the aliases are sent to your normal inbox. These are great if you want to contact someone or sign up for something and don't want to give out your actual email address.

I changed to hushmail when lavabit was shut down back in the day. I hear lavabit was brought back online after a while but I wasn't going to wait around without a functional email address in the meantime.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

The horror aspects were fine. Though I admit it tiptoed along a PG-13 rating. What bothered me was the great fairy scene. You didn't want your parents walking in when she started screaming and laughing and giggling.

I swear I remember her spreading her legs during the bless animation when she holds her arms out to you, but I don't see that on youtube videos. Anyone else remember this? On youtube she just lifts one left at the knee, which isn't what I remember.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

They have a thread about the sub being more cult-like but the author explicitely makes a point to say it's not the mods.


The mods banned anyone who doesn't think and speak specifically how they want. Of course it looks like a cult now.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 11 months ago

We would lock the float very quickly.

I think Q3 is going to be profitable but I don't think the price will rise after the earnings call. Instead I expect more BS from the MSM and the price will plummet in an attempt to break the ape's hold on the stock.

They're just digging their own grave. This trajectory isn't sustainable. The rate of DRS is just going to skyrocket.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

The fact that Cohen is personally invested in Gamestop was a contributing factor behind why I decided to go all-in on GME instead of cashing out at a loss.

That and the fact that Gamestop isn't in debt, has over a billion cash on hand, is expanding its online storefront and built distribution centers for online sales, and is building a digital games storefront with PLAYR.

They're in a good financial position, have great leadership, and are making all the right decisions.

So why is Gamestop constantly being bashed by the media? Why have all these investor websites who previously didn't bat an eye when retail lost money, suddenly so concerned about my investment in Gamestop?

They aren't half as smart as they think they are. Money has been raining on fools for far too long and it's time the fools lost their money.


The price drop is because of market manipulation and the current price doesn't represent fundamentals. We all know GME is worth more.

But the price has been gradually decreasing ever since the January 2021 sneeze and this thread over at SS suggests the line reaches 0 around 1/1/2024.

I don't think it will actually hit 0 but I know I'm going to be buying more in November and December.

Point is don't let this rattle you. I bought my first share at $448.30 so why wouldn't I buy more at $1?

The finish line isn't out of reach any more. We're going to lock the float, and we're going to do it fast. Buckle your seatbelts.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Caeser2021 5 hr. ago Your point about the burnout and mods, there was never ever any interaction on mod selection, in fact if my memory serves me, there were instances where it was brought up by the community how the Mod team had grown and how people were selected for it.

So with all due respect, the community hasn't asked the mods to do anything, because the community had no knowledge or input on their selection.

jackofspades123 3 hr. ago I encourage you to read the open transparency threads in the discord. You might find them interesting and eye opening.

^ THAT Why should members of a subreddit have to sign up to a discord in order to be involved in the selection of a mod on their subreddit? This is like the Vogons in Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. "How could you not know that your planet was going to be bulldozed? The relevant form was hung in the Intergalactic Bureau of Space Administration's office for the past two years!"

The people running the place have to work for the federal government. Only the feds could set up this level of compartmentalization.

Outside of the SCC I have found that many try to "hold the mods accountable" and few know how to do that when a power dynamic is involved, let alone the emotion they bring to that intent. This is noble at face value but the damage from failed attempts is great. There is more of an equal footing within the SCC that allows for calmer and more rational talks for this purpose.

We have many discussions ahead of us, most of which cannot be resolved through walls of text like this. The mods have shown me that they are genuine in their love for the sub but, over time and with enough corrosive intent from trolls and bad actors, that love can be twisted into something it should not resemble. There must be voices to counteract this over time.

It is my belief that many things need to change for our overall community to return to a peaceful and sustainable path and that the road to get those changes is arduous, tedious, and well worth it. We currently have the ability to resolve core differences with relatively little drama. From there we can talk about what we need to see from each other in order to come around on key topics.

We can discuss what information we need to convince outsiders to become insiders to this saga, and how to obtain that critical information. It is my belief we must slowly and carefully expand and support each other in the projects we undertake. We must decentralize while remaining connected both here and in our friend lists.

Nobody is entirely opposed, and few are even partially opposed, to this overall thought process. When approached with reason and humanity everyone is receptive.

lol lmao

The shitheads running that sub won't ever give up power, and even if they did, what happens to all the apes who were banned?

They've been silencing people for nearly 3 years now. That's a lot of people who would need to be unbanned.

Personally, I don't buy the "stand alone complex" crap he's pushing. I resent the leaders of this movement and I will make a point to never have anything to do with them ever again. In the future, anything they stand for I will stand against.

The only reason we're on the same side right now is because I'm invested in the MOASS and I want to get paid.

There is no possibility for us to ever be friends. That bridge was burned when the SS mods chose to act like assholes and silence their supposed "movement" for 3 years straight. They aren't leading this movement, they have just taken it hostage.


These past 3 years we've watched as our buy orders don't impact the price because most of us can't afford to buy a full 100 share lot all at once. It's almost like the market is run by bullies who twist the rules to try and make us lose.

Even for those of us who can afford 100 share lots, if they don't route through IEX their order likely goes into a dark pool and gets broken up into segments so it still doesn't impact the price. AFAIK the only way for household investors to impact the price is to buy 100 share lots and route through IEX.

Keep in mind that should any of us decide to sell during the squeeze the opposite will be true.

If retail doesn't route through IEX when they sell, the dark pools will group the orders together to make sure as many sell orders go through in lots of 100, driving the price down fast. If you want to sell and get rich, and keep the squeeze squeezing as long as possible, then route through IEX with lots smaller than 100. So these orders don't get grouped together in a dark pool and they are too small to impact the price.

Unfortunately Computershare doesn't have the option to route through IEX, so the only people who will be able to sell without impacting the price are apes who hold shares at brokers with the option to route through IEX.

Also read about the requirements for filing form 13H (large volume trades)

I've seen form 13H mentioned on GME subs before but not the sell lots thing. Most GME subs don't want to talk about selling, but I think there is a right way to do it when the time comes.

  1. If at a broker, route through IEX

  2. If at a broker, keep lots smaller than 100

  3. Sell from Computershare last (or not at all)

  4. Don't sell from Computershare until the squeeze is "over the hump" and the price starts dropping again.

  5. Do not panic sell. They will turn the buy button off again. They will lie and scream and threaten and intimidate. The shit will hit the fan, but don't give in. Every trade you make should be cold and calculated.

Doing it this way drags the squeeze out for the longest amount of time possible.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's dropping towards $15 so today I transferred money to my account in Fidelity. Going to buy the dip and DRS. As long as it stays under $16 I should end up with 300 fully booked in Computershare. Never thought I would get this many. Ken is really stupid. He should lay off the mayo and consider a low cholesterol diet. Might clear up his mental fog.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The stonk tracker at still shows the remaining float that hasn't been locked. But I miss the pie chart that used to have.

It sucks that it shut down.

I agree I think it was because bad actors on wall street didn't want the peasants to know that certain groups are increasing their ownership.

If we saw insiders, or institutions, or mutual funds suddenly buy a lot more, we would be able to look deeper into that and learn things. They threw a wrench into that.

I'd love to see someone else make a duplicate website that does the same thing.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

The question is, what causes the shorts to close?

It seemingly happens whenever the rich want it to happen. None of the regulatory agencies care to enforce the law.

I don't know when it happens. All I know is we are on the winning side of this trade.


I'm sure you've heard the phrase before. "the floor is rising" but what does it mean?

Doing some math with my crayons: 265 million shares x $17 = about 4.5 billion dollar market cap. Cash on hand: 1.3 billion

Right now, for whatever reason about 28% of Gamestop's value is cash on hand. This is absurd but the SHF's have to manipulate the stock value lower and lower in order to avoid margin calls.

But dropping the value lower means that it's easier to buy. In fact right now Gamestop could buy all 57 million remaining shares in the free float, and still have cash on hand left over.

57 million shares x $17 = 952 million dollars

In fact someone over at SS posted this, and the shills flipped their shit.

I've also pointed out that once they become profitable they could issue a cash dividend again. Gamestop has issued a cash dividend in the past. This is completely normal for profitable companies to do, and investors should want return on their investment and support that. But when I post about it, shills flip their shit.

This is the floor rising. The shorts are cowering in a corner. They know they're trapped, there is no way out, and the manipulating the price lower buys them time but is not an escape.

There is a hard floor meaning they cannot cellar box Gamestop because they have over a billion dollars cash on hand, and if they make the stock price plummet it just gets bought up and DRS'd. A plummet would just fuck them instantly.

They know that the free float shrinks every day as apes DRS more, but they have to keep lowering the price because they are hugely in debt and don't want to get margin called. They shrink the debt by lowering the price of the stock. This is an absoultely toxic position to have and they know it's going to blow up in their face eventually. But there's no way out.

This is why they shill, it's why there are all these articles from "professionals" who shit all over our stock. They are desperate to convince us to sell.

So don't lose heart. Take joy in the dips. I hope that they manipulate the price down to single digits again. If the price falls below $10 then not only can apes DRS more faster, but the company could buy even more shares with a share buyback.


Trimbath keeps banging the drums on FTD's but GME has very little FTD's going on. I do think FTD's are a big problem and they should carry consequences but I don't think it's the biggest problem.

The biggest problem, and the one most relevant to GME, is infinite liquidity.

If there is infinite liquidity, then shorts can buy to close, and then immediately short two or three times more and walk away with even more money. Why FTD when you can roll over your shorts, and just keep piling them on?

When it's time to close those shorts, you close them and short sell twice over again.

Then when it's time to close those shorts, you close them and short sell twice over again.

And then when it's time to close those shorts, you close them and short sell twice over again.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

This is how Citadel Securities traded over 964 million shares of GME over the past 3 years.

Someone should ask Trimbath what she thinks about infinite liquidity on the stock market, and if the DTCC should be audited?

The only person authorized to issue new shares is the company whose shares are being traded. The DTCC can not issue new shares.

In the face of infinite liquidity, arguing over FTD's is like being worried you left your oven on when your house is on fire.


I bought some more using Fidelity Active Trader Pro this morning so I could route through IEX. Except it kept immediately canceling my orders.

I was trying to do a market buy it should fill at the current market price, buying from the current lowest seller. There should be no way that this fails.

The thing about IEX is they go straight to the lit market. They don't route to dark pools and with a market order routed through IEX the market manipulators don't see it coming. It's a SURPRISE! buy order that they don't get to fuck around with.

But it kept getting immediately canceled? How? That suggests to me that the lowest seller wasn't actually legit. The lowest sell orders must be from a dark pool and they aren't actually willing to part with their money. They just want a small amount of sell orders to sit on the market completely unfillable, with the goal of pushing the price down. Then as buy orders react and go lower and lower, they open more sell orders that sit in dark pools and are completely unfillable.

I wanted shares so I finally did a limit order with a buy price higher than the current market price. It did go through. But the thing about limit orders is that the whole market can see them. This gives whatever supercomputer the hedge funds are running time to see the buy order open, and then in microseconds they can print out fake shares and fill the order so it gets taken off the market. Then they keep opening fake unfillable sell orders to manipulate the price lower.

At least that's what I'm thinking. I'm attaching my order history for today so you can see the canceled market orders. Every one of them was routed through IEX.


Remember how they turned the split as a dividend into a normal split? They can't F around with a cash dividend like that. Sure they can substitute fake shares in place of real shares, but they can't do that with cold hard cash.

It doesn't make sense right now because Gamestop is focused on becoming profitable and generating a more sustainable business. However once they become profitable, the situation changes. They would have the freedom to reward and delight thier investors with a dividend and know that they aren't squandering the last of their wealth doing so. They will know they will have more cash coming in because they are now profitable.

Once Gamestop is profitable a cash dividend does make sense! They have over 1.3 billion dollars on hand, and could reward their investors with a substantial dividend. If they issues a dividend of 50 cents per share that means anyone holding 100 shares gets 50 dollars - that's enough to buy two more shares at the current price! What's more that dividend would cost about 130 million dollars to issue for the entire float, which is about 10% of the cash they have available.

That's a terrific reward for holding through 2, soon to be 3 years of net losses each quarter during the company's hard times. We put our money where our mouth is. Will Gamestop corporate recognize that and reward their die-hard investors once they become profitable again?

I already had a thread about this removed from r/GME once already. It doesn't make sense to me because an investor campaigning for a dividend (which is just ROI) isn't something that should be derided or villified. It's a healthy thing to do, and anyone who expects ROI should also campaign for this.

Besides just being a healthy thing for an investor to want, it could also be a trigger for the MOASS. Stop and consider how shorted GME is today. Only the DTCC knows exactly how bad it is. It could be 2x, 3x, 10x, 50x the float! Is it worse than we could possible imagine? Look at the shenanigans they are doing with swaps and the puts in Brazil. They're trying to hide their short positions anywhere they possibly can.

If Gamestop issues a cash dividend they pay the DTCC exactly the amount for the shares they have issued to the public. That's 265 million shares. Now if more shares than that are being held due to short selling, the short sellers have to pay the difference. In the event that the float has been short sold more than 2x over, the short sellers end up paying more money than Gamestop does to the DTCC! - and they can't weasel out of it using fakes like they did with the splividend. Each GME holder would be due cash.

However we shouldn't request a cash dividend for that alone. We should be requesting a cash dividend because we carried this company through its hard times and kept investing in it because we knew it would be profitable again in the future. We simply want return on our investment. That is all.

When we see net profit on Gamestop's earning reports, please contact Investor Relations and let them know you are a stockholder who has been investing in the company for years and would like a cash dividend now that the company is profitable again.

(817) 424-2001

[email protected]

As a shareholder you deserve to have your voice heard!

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