a few classic episodes of 放浪記 can now be watched here in the official fanclub, https://fc.bs-tbs.co.jp/sakaba/movie?category=classic it requires a paid subscription and two new episodes seem to be added every couple of weeks. There are currently 19 episodes available to watch
This page also contains some old episodes of the show, for now only ep 1-17.
it should be noted that this messes up with some books like 京極夏彦s 百物語 so make sure and check that only furigana is removed if the text looks like nonsense
Published a new script that modifies the furigana instead of deleting them. It is still a bit buggy for some verbs but talking to vocabtracker about it. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/470975-change-furigana-neat-reader
I have heard a rumour that Portuguese is in the process of being added!
PSA: Reading ebooks using vocabtracker without importing every chapter manually
PSA: Removing furigana when reading epubs with neat-reader.com (copy paste from reddit)
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