By age alone, he's already acquired 10% of the vote in whatever election he joins .... get him to commit a felony and he'll gain another 5% .... some sort of sexual misconduct 5% ... say he's Christian (even if he's not) another 5%
Or being able to hide an alien in plain sight and calling it a Chicken Lady
TIL Kids In The Hall doesn't take place on earth in Toronto, Ontario, Canada .... it takes place on an alien planet that is part of the Federation. This explains so much.
Or just don't vote and move along
Exactly, and it probably took several instances of this happening going back to 1950 before they finally decided to make that warning label.
And painted the whole room with a pretty green colored lead paint.
Data is always beautiful if you cherry pick the data you want.
This is like judging how beautiful someone is by only looking at their hands.
Kilroy also has some hairy eyelids
Loved Dangerfield .... in my mind's eye, his character is like a marker in time for me now ... are we dating ourselves?
That slight tilt does seem to throw things out of balance ...
It feels shitty and I was doing the same thing all day. I had to resurrect my account just to get back online. It's made me realize that I should maintain both accounts for shut downs like this. And now I'm also having to do more in maintaining my Mastodon account too.
I was a bit saddened at the thought that there could be a point in my life where I would have watched all of Star Trek ... but I'm realizing as I get older that my memory is fading. I sometimes rewatch some episodes of TNG, which I watched years ago and once enough time passes, it feels like watching them again for the first time. So my failing memory is making me happy to know that I'll probably be watching Star Trek for the rest of my life.