"I was just following orders." Those who's comforts are maintained by tyranny, and don't want to lose the comfort provided by tyranny to stand up against it, are directly enabling tyranny. Tyrants wouldn't last if not for the complacent "enlightened" centrist who thinks the balanced and sensible perspective is to "Keep Calm and Carry On." "At least they're not going after me!" says those who's loyalty has been bought by tyrants out of fear. The same kind of people who think the ones who fight tyrants are "terrorists."
You need to convince them the Earth is a sphere first.
Imagine being Grimes and fucking that guy.
Modded Cyberpunk is kinda my thing right now, would that be a problem on Linux?
I can't remember specifics but I remember a bunch of games i've modded don't have tools supported on Linux.
I don't have the means, they banned that here in 1997.
Those who choose the paycheck to comply with it vs suffering under it are the ones who allow it. "I only worked with the fascists so I would survive" is what a fascist is.
Because Elon's balls are nonexistent. At least he still has the heart and brain, however small and hard of a target they are.
That's gonna be America pretty soon.
:Alt+Tab out of Wolfenstien: What?
Must've been hard for you in the 90's with Xena Warrior Princess being a DEI gay female superhero.
How does Linux fair with gaming, game dev, and modding? I don't wanna get on Linux and have to jump through hoops just to get Vortex working for Nexusmods or something.
There isn't just mindless online slobber shooters on Windows, y'know. Those same shooters exist on Linux too.