Four doctors appointments this week have me a but anxious but I'm determined to improve my stability! I'm not sure if it's a placebo effect yet but small doses of lacmictal and Buspar seem to be helpful so far.
Wow, I got diagnosed a four weeks ago and I'm only on 25mg of lacmical. Good luck!
I started taking a medication recently that has "enlarged spleen" as a side effect. Okay doc, I'll keep an eye on my spleen.
I really want to replace my heavy stone dishes with lightweight Corelle ones, but this question is also preventing me from moving forward. There are two people in my household. Four sets isn't enough. Would six work? They come in set of eight. Should I get a set? I don't really need the types of bowls that come in the set. Maybe I should get 10 plates and 4 bowls since we don't use bowls as much. Can I have an uneven number of plates and bowls?!?
This has become a huge issue for me recently. I'm depressed and struggling with finding happiness even though I've checked all the boxes to be a perfect little worker in our capitalist system. I had a bit of a breakdown and I was able to get my work hours cut down to 30 hours a week, but I'm not doing anything productive with those 10 hours per week that I regained and I'm feeling guilty about it.
Because this stupid shit is spreading like wildfire. My mom won't stop sending me videos like this.
In theory yes, you could air root and transfer a plant but it's harder in practice and the grapes may not be the same if the soil type and water type are drastically different in the new location.
Thanks for the welcome and for all you do for this community! I have another therapy appointment scheduled for next week and will keep looking if needed. Hopefully having a diagnosis will help me weed through the crowd to find someone better suited.
Newly diagnosed. I've struck out with 3 therapists so far this year but I'm trying out Lamictal and Buspar. Lamictal is worsening my depression a bit but I'm hopeful!
It's been Core Keeper for me.
Exactly. I read the bill and it only protects currently employed workers. Its basically a grandfather clause. New employees will be offered 32 hour schedules at 32 hours of pay and it will greatly disincentivise job hoping. Don't get me wrong, I love Bernie and every single thing he stands for. I'm just too exposed to C Suite mentality to be hopeful.
I really feel this lately. The news is shit. My anxiety has been high so I go straight to the NYT games app instead of scrolling through the front page.