Rice with lentils is a good option, add salt and pepper and salad of choice
Challenger and Komarov weren't enough it seems
use power delete suite and do the edits again until you lose API access or they give up
Future is today, old man.
Thank you monkey's paw
It's already dead for me.
Hey sorry for breaking context but I couldn't find a better place to thank you for the old-reddit-like userstyle you made for Lemmy. It works wonderfully for me! Love the high information density.
Centralization is bad
The upside is join-lemmy.org always puts the smaller but growing instances at the top to somewhat distribute the load for new users. Also there are new general purpose instances popping up, I quite like it and as long as there is no drama you can access most of the Fediverse from almost any instance.
Yeah, malicious instances can always be defederated and cleaned from the caches.
Love it! It feels so comfortable on my cramped 1366x768 laptop at 90% zoom, pretty much like old Reddit. In the weekend when I get home I'll try it on my desktop PC's 21.5 inch 1920x1080 monitor, gotta have the I N F O R M A T I O N D E N S I T Y
Quit wasting my bandwidth, an adblocker makes the difference between a loaded page and a useless one in unstable mobile connections