Ventoy is amazing, but sometimes Windows ISOs don't work, so I use Rufus as a backup, plus you can customise the ISO as this post shows
kick ass guitar riff
I've noticed that 60fps videos struggle a lot, even at 720p, suspiciously, no issues on chrome
Just mispel a word, replace a vowel with a numb3r and the wordlist is useless
previous city I lived in, increased the speed limit of one of its main roads from 50 to 70, yet it was faster to bike due to the massive traffic jams
that's the reason why we got Xbox 360 instead of Xbox 2
I just cannot comprehend how anyone can look at post brexit UK and think "yes, I want the same for my country"
Usually with these very long videos (like the ones by hbomberguy) I watch them in multiple sittings across many days. However this one I did in two parts, captivating beginning to end
fun fact: bikes have their chain on the right side so it does not interfere with your sheath when you carry your sword into battle
and NightJet by ÖBB, different routes, but a lot better IMO
also works on GNOME! (gsconnect)