FWIW, It was working before it stopped working
My mon got into a health and fitness phase thanks to Simmons who probably added years if not decades to her healthspan. Thanks to him I got to share more moments with my mom, and I'm sure I'm it the only one who indirectly benefited from his work.
Thanks Richard
One of my favourite stories is the accidental discovery of synthetic purple dye. IIRC there was a chemist researching something completely unrelated and when he disposed some assorted chemicals down a sink he noticed they turned purple.
also works on GNOME! (gsconnect)
Ventoy is amazing, but sometimes Windows ISOs don't work, so I use Rufus as a backup, plus you can customise the ISO as this post shows
kick ass guitar riff
I've noticed that 60fps videos struggle a lot, even at 720p, suspiciously, no issues on chrome
Just mispel a word, replace a vowel with a numb3r and the wordlist is useless
previous city I lived in, increased the speed limit of one of its main roads from 50 to 70, yet it was faster to bike due to the massive traffic jams
that's the reason why we got Xbox 360 instead of Xbox 2
that's my 6th favourite thing about Italy