Exactly what it says on the tin. It forwards mail/packets received on one or more ports to specific ports on another machine on the network.
joined 2 years ago
Ah, the ol' Reddit beating-a-dead-horse-aroo
(Alternatively, just posting the next line in some song's lyrics)
Nespresso's pods are aluminum, not plastic (well, the foil that hold the pod closed might be plastic?). Aluminum can be recycled pretty well.
Though, of course, the environmental impact is still way higher than any non-pod brewing method.
I feel like this is one of the more common colorings I've seen; at least two people I know have similar-looking piggies.
I used to also feel this way, but people would tell me it's an acquired taste. That sounded like bullshit to me but turned out to be true.
That being said, not drinking shouldn't be something to have to explain or be ashamed about.